If you really can't stop gambling then why not lessen the time you gamble or learn to control yourself not to think or do things that bring pressure to you. Try playing texas hold em poker on facebook and maybe it will make your expenses on gambling less as you don't have to pay for chips you use to play on that game instead of using all your the money you can afford to lose for gambling on a online casino.
Nakamura12 I think the same like you, only thing that can help with gambling addiction is a distraction! Mind and
body should be occupied with some other tasks! Other games, or simply go out and enjoy the nature, there are many
things one can do except gambling, it's not the whole world.
I have never experienced what you have gone through I am very discreet in my gambling online I see to it that all my children do not know that I'm gambling especially if they are of young age, never gambling in your bedtime, be sure you have a room only for you that you can gamble alone, preferable a study room or any place that had a door where people can knock
Robelneo I have a lap-top, and I usually gamble when kids are not at home, or when they sleep! I can move my
lap-top and they never saw me playing some gambling games! I think people with kids should do just like you said,
they don't have too learn about gambling at their young ages, when times come I will explain them what is gambling,
but for now they still didn't ask about that!