In the simplest explanation,
TheBitZone is a unique pay-to-post forums. We do not specify how many Satoshi is earned per post. Instead, we give our users a token called "shares"*. Shares will be converted into Satoshi every 15 days using a simple Math formula. We shares up to 60% of our revenue.
We create TheBitZone because we felt that we need a community forums that is dedicated to the use of Bitcoin and not the technical side - because that is where cryptocurrencies is heading to.
It is powered by MyBB open source bulletin board software with custom plugins that enable us to standout. For example, a activity plugin similar to how the activity system works here on Bitcointalk. A fully-featured Satoshi balance - not a microwallet or Bitcoin address - system that allows us to convert forums shares to Satoshi.
We are working on adding new features such as crowdfunding, marketplace and auction platforms.
Join us today and be part of a growing Bitcoin community.
Proudly created with love by ExtraMileGames and jacktheking of Bitcointalk.
* shares is not an Altcoin. It is just a way for us to determine how much Satoshi one deserve on the forums.