I feel like your shares system is designed to confuse people more than anything else. Can you give me clear answer to this question:
If I post on your forum 50 times. How much will you pay me in BTC? Please convert shares per post to BTC using your current rates.
It may be confusing at first but it is definitely easier to get the concept of it than the Activity on Bitcointalk (and also TheBitZone - yes we developed a system similar to Bitcointalk activity).
The amount of Satoshi per share is not definite. It will increase when advertisers is willing to pay more and vice-versa. It will also decrease if the amount of shares available is a lot and vice-versa.
Calculation ( totalShares, revenues ):
oneShare = revenues / totalShares;
User Reward:
Total User Satoshi Earned = Total Use Shares * oneShare;
For our first conversion, we spread 300 000 (60% of our revenues) Satoshi to a pool of 338 shares.
The amount of Satoshi received per share is = Calculation ( 338, 300 000) = 887.573964497 Satoshi.
User get 2 Shares per post and 4 Shares per new thread.
The amount of Satoshi received per new post is = 887 * 2 = 1774 Satoshi.
The amount of Satoshi received per new thread is = 887 * 4 = 3528 Satoshi.If you make 50 posts before our conversion - in relative to the old totalShares:You will get (50 Posts * 2 Shares) Shares * 887 Satoshi = 88700 Satoshi.
If you make 50 posts before our conversion - added to the totalShares:One share = Calculation ( 338 + (50 * 2), 300 000) = 684.931506849 Satoshi.
You will get (50 Posts * 2 Shares) Shares * 684 Satoshi = 68400 Satoshi.
The current pot is set at 0.0003 BTC and it shall increase as time goes on - around 0.0001 BTC per day or more if we skyrocketed this week. Hence the amount of Satoshi you will get for having 50 posts cannot be determined yet. However, it should be close or more than the calculation above. As we continue to grows, the amount advertisers is willing to pay will increase - but that also mean more competition.
Join us while we're still new. You get 7 potential activity per week for making one post. Don't miss it.
I hope that you read all of that @Slark.
And I really hope that you will join TheBitZone Forums.