Counterfeit electronic components is a very serious problem in all industries. If one is lucky they are just out-of-spec factory-rejects that failed testing and were improperly disposed of so someone dumpster dived for them to resell. There have even been cases of chips with no actual die in them! Most common is components which are an older version that have been relabeled to be a new one.
Now to be fair and although they ruined the business we need to not make them look like complete outlaws.They did order from Digi and mouser, but some of the hard to place parts were ordered from "a guy I knew that had them in stock". These were for the harder to find NXP parts and LTC's. But yes,when asked for invoices/proof of purchase we were met with weeks of delays followed by a stack of papers comparable to something you'd find in one of the Junior lawyers offices in our law firm. And "sure you can make copies, but we're closing now,maybe some time next".. bs bs..
Obvious Alert : this will be taken down
But how is it that you can see how you were treated and then treat your customers the exact same way.
Now don't get me wrong, you guys got screwed 6 ways from sunday there is no debating that fact. And just as it looked like you turned tail and ran for the hills you re emerged with a new found respect for the community. I'm sure there was legit reasoning behind your silence, probably due to legal issue you were working out with third parties. I can accept that.
What I can't accept is a "It's not that the boards don't work..." answer because the fact of the matter is the boards don't work on a technical level that you can reasonably expect your average consumer to understand nor have the knowledge to fix. If I get a faulty TV the company can't reasonably expect me to wait 4 months while they find out what was wrong in their manufacturing process or have me take the TV apart to make find the problem my self.
You say it's about making bitcoin stronger not 3 month ROIs. Well you know what? It was about 3 month ROIs to your earliest orders who could have reasonably expected that if the product was indeed delivered when they were told it would be.
I came to your page way later than that date. I didn't expect a 3 month ROI. I did want an Positive ROI like anyone else who is buying from you. But I didn't sink my money in to coins, I sank it into a miner. Because it's not just you or zefir that cares about what bitcoin stands for or will potentially be. It's also the adopter of the technology, not just the creators, that drive growth and acceptance. A pile of (currently) useless boards doesn't strengthen bitcoin, but getting people up on the network does. I'm going to apply the fixes you've mentioned here in this thread in the hopes of getting something working up on the next work. But I'm not going to let the equipment burn in my apartment and potentially kill someone because it slipped through the hands of your quality assurance people.