Now we are releasing an XBY control panel (its still rough, no graphic design yet) that will ONLY be used right now to help you VERIFY that your STaTiC is properly registered before Borz finalize the Genesis block.
Please download here:
You do not actually run this test from the Control Panel though. Please use the CMD window.
So, just like when you were setting up your STaTiC nodes, you will go to the file you save in. For example: d:\zolt
Use the following commands in the windows cmd window:
d: press enter
cd d:\zolt press enter
now type: xtrabytes.exe --nogui --getstaticbyid=780c896402d3c2........ (this is your STaTiC registration ID: from )
There are additional commands at the Github location:
Please TEST to see all your STaTiC nodes are found and anyone with time, please ALSO test to make sure that NO CANCELLED or UPDATED nodes appear.
Thank you!!
Just want to add after entering that command in it should display your static nodes public key which confirms your node is registered and ready for the genesis block