
Topic: New York State Rockland County Bans Unvaccinted Kids From All Public Places (Read 992 times)

Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
One of the most juicy hypothesis about this is that it was the subject of some of the 'deepest' and most advanced forms of propaganda.  That would also imply that it is one of the highest priority projects of those who control the levers of propaganda.

I'll be honest and say that in spite of spending a fair amount of energy entertaining this hypothesis and looking for evidence, I really have not found anything which accounts for the strength which which people hold the aforementioned contradictory belief structure.  Propaganda is a vast field though, and it guards it's secrets fairly well.  The hypothesis has certainly not been killed by anything I've noticed.

It is not that complicated. It is a combination of fear, cognitive dissonance, and as usual the human need to feel accepted. Fear sells the vaccine. A combination of fear of looking at the horrible truth and cognitive dissonance causes people to ignore the reality of the situation. Finally just to top it off, if anyone manages to work past these two points, the fear of being ostracized keeps people's mouths shut. Additionally since people see anyone not joining the herd to be jabbed as a threat to their health, they treat any dissenters as a direct threat to their own lives. As a result, anyone who does make it through these blocks, speaks, and manages to be heard, is simply labeled as a "antivaxer" shunned as a loon, and ignored at best.

Even if you believe in a soul, at the end of the day that soul still resides in a meatship, and like any machine, the brain can be hacked or broken. No one really likes to think of themselves as a meat puppet, but at the end of the day that is what they manage to turn us all into to one degree or another. Of course people find more comfort in denying this reality than looking the horrible truth in the face. They call it "paying attention" for a reason, because it costs. Consciousness is a burden.
Activity: 2310
Merit: 2073
In Russia there lives a very interesting man, German Sterligov, who went to live in the hinterland and is building his settlement there. Many people consider him crazy, but watching his video it becomes clear that he leads a healthy lifestyle and encourages others to live in the same way. His family has completely abandoned the use of genetically modified foods and they are fully providing healthy food for themselves.

According to his hypothesis, the vaccine is a means that will destroy the population. He speaks openly about it and urges people not to get vaccinated.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
A few of the parents should get together and contest this, comparing it to the 1st Amendment that allows people to go from point A to point B unhindered... and in public btw.

The comparison should also be included, where somebody seriously compares the dangers of unvaccinated against vaccinated, and the injury being done by government breaking their oath of office to uphold the Constitution (and Amendments) vs kids exercising their right to travel.

All this in court (trial by jury) with several expert witnesses and peer reviewed papers where necessary.

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
My favorite part of all of this hysteria and impotent rage is pretty much everyone agrees the US healthcare system is corrupt to the core, and regularly turns the population into lab rats for testing and pushing dangerous drugs. Then these same people turn around and implicitly trust this same system to be able to forcibly inject everyone with vaccines without informed consent, and with these companies holding absolutely zero liability over any harm caused. Not a contradiction at all. What could go wrong?

One of the most juicy hypothesis about this is that it was the subject of some of the 'deepest' and most advanced forms of propaganda.  That would also imply that it is one of the highest priority projects of those who control the levers of propaganda.

I'll be honest and say that in spite of spending a fair amount of energy entertaining this hypothesis and looking for evidence, I really have not found anything which accounts for the strength which which people hold the aforementioned contradictory belief structure.  Propaganda is a vast field though, and it guards it's secrets fairly well.  The hypothesis has certainly not been killed by anything I've noticed.

Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
My favorite part of all of this hysteria and impotent rage is pretty much everyone agrees the US healthcare system is corrupt to the core, and regularly turns the population into lab rats for testing and pushing dangerous drugs. Then these same people turn around and implicitly trust this same system to be able to forcibly inject everyone with vaccines without informed consent, and with these companies holding absolutely zero liability over any harm caused. Not a contradiction at all. What could go wrong?
sr. member
Activity: 373
Merit: 262
Now it is coming back to bite them because the vaccinated people have less resistance to the SARS2 coronavirus! These people who pushed for this law are now high risk!
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
This whole push for compulsory vaccinations over the past year wasn't a coincidence. In before they start mandating vaccinations for the CCP virus before you can travel, go to work, or leave your homes.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
I'm still upset that my right to make nuclear reactors was taken away  Angry


It was?

Darn, I need to read up on the rights and laws and stuff more often!
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
Is everyone starting to see the pattern here? Do you really think the government cares this much about your health? This is not about vaccines, this is about control and stripping the rights of ALL OF US.


The pattern continues.
Activity: 112
Merit: 0
Sorry, but the "right" to get sick and die horribly only applies to things that aren't contagious.

Ah ha, the govt got to you, this is exactly the reaction they were expecting when they tested this news to the public, they expected that people will come up with the statement you just made but not realizing that this Unvaccinated kids has been walking free and never infected anyone, the immune system works in different ways but then again this is not about the sick kids but the govt control over us, that's all, vaccine or not
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Now we see that there has never been any swine flu epidemic... not even close.

Swine Flu Vaccine Injury Settlements Reveal Health Authorities & Big Pharma Are Partners In Crime

CBS News reported that the decision to stop counting H1N1 flu cases was made so hastily that states weren't given the opportunity to provide input. Investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson dug into state-by-state numbers of positively-confirmed swine flu cases, but she and her CBS team were stonewalled by the CDC for months. Finally, rather than wait for the CDC, reporters took the initiative to contact each state individually and found: "Of the presumed likely swine flu cases, only a fraction of them were actually swine flu."


Was there ever a swine flue epidemic?

There was not even the hint of one.

What is provided here is a case study of  Vaccine criminality in which the product is hyped and sold to the corporations benefit.  However all the damage is paid by the State including much of the legal cost.  Corporate bankruptcy needs to be imposed to end this horror.

Ye all the rules have been rigged to run out another fraud any time they like.

Swine Flu Vaccine Injury Settlements Reveal Health Authorities & Big Pharma Are Partners In Crime

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
It's fear. Big Pharma is constantly introducing fear just to make us flee to them for safety. But they have false safety. If you want to get something directly into your bloodstream, try sublingual. Way safer and works better, and can be done without Big Pharma.

Go to the article, and click the links for proof and lots more info.

Getting the Measles in Modern-Day America--Not Nearly as Dangerous as Portrayed

With these improvements, the death rates from childhood infectious diseases plummeted—long before the advent of vaccines for those illnesses. U.S. vital statistics affirm that the measles mortality (death) rate had dropped 99.4% before introduction of the first measles vaccine in 1963.

… even a death rate of 1 in 10,000 cases does not accurately reflect the situation for the majority of the population, for whom measles mortality was far less.

Fuzzy measles math

Prior to the measles vaccine's U.S. introduction, the estimated number of measles cases annually was between 4 and 6.5 million (depending on the source). The government-reported mortality rate—pre-vaccine—was approximately 1 in 10,000 cases. So why do today's media often report it as 1 in 1,000 cases? This appears to be an attempt to exaggerate the facts and promote fear to drive the vaccine mandate agenda. Ninety percent or more of all measles cases were so mild that they were never reported because parents never took their children to the doctor. Only 10% of overall cases were severe enough to warrant seeking medical care, but even in that subgroup, not all cases were reported. It was only among the 10% that sought medical care and were reported that the fatality rate was about 1 in 1,000. Modern news outlets get away with inaccurately reporting the death rate as 1 in 1,000 by leaving out the crucial word "reported" and referring only to "cases."

But even a death rate of 1 in 10,000 cases does not accurately reflect the situation for the majority of the population, for whom measles mortality was far less. Socioeconomic factors are very important in this discussion but often overlooked. In the middle of the last century, U.S. children living in poverty had poorer nutrition, less sanitary living conditions and less access to medical care. As one might expect, this resulted in less viable and resilient immune systems that made them more vulnerable to measles complications and death.

Two Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) studies support the observation that poorer children suffered more serious complications and a higher measles mortality rate. One study, titled "Measles mortality: a retrospective look at the vaccine era" (authored for the CDC's Bureau of Epidemiology and published in 1975 in the American Journal of Epidemiology), reviewed statistics from 1958-1963. A 1980 study from the CDC's Immunization Division, titled "Measles mortality in the United States 1971-1975" and published in the American Journal of Public Health, reviewed records from 1971-1975. Both studies showed that children who lived at or below the poverty level, and especially in rural settings, were significantly more likely to die from measles than those in the higher income brackets. In fact, the second study found a ten times (1,000%) higher death rate for those below the poverty level than for the more affluent population.

As I thought about those numbers and the 1000% greater incidence of death in poverty-stricken children, I became curious as to how disproportionate those numbers might be when considering the population as a whole. Remember, the overall mortality rate for the entire country was reported as approximately 1 death for every 10,000 cases of measles. In the pre-measles-vaccine era from 1959-1962, the total U.S. population was from 178 million (1959) to 189 million (1963), and the percentage of families living at or below the poverty level was about 8% (approximately 14 million). If that 8% had a 1,000% higher mortality rate than the more affluent population, it would stand to reason that the mortality rate for that affluent segment must be far less than 1 in 10,000 cases. Here are the CDC measles mortality numbers for 1971-1975 reported in the American Journal of Public Health:

-Families with incomes of less than or equal to $5,000/year: 1 death in 237,467 (population)

-Families with incomes between $5,000 and $10,000/year: 1 death in 1,009,437 (population)

-Families with incomes over $10,000/year: 1 death in 2,190,837 (population)

In other words, for higher-income households, there was less than a one in two million measles fatality rate.

Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

One of my favorite informants, Doreen Dotan, is an unabashed Kabbalist who lives in Israel.  Her inexplicable honesty was responsible for my early exposure to Kabbalistic philosophy and subsequent research verified a lot of what she was saying.  She strongly hinted that some of her relatives were involved in cooking up biological nasties to further the cause.

It seems to me a reasonable hypothesis that some of these people do have some insider information and are aware of the philosophy that even some of the 'chosen' people will have to 'take one for the team.'  In other words they are not wild about being the next 'sacrificial burnt offerings' (the translation of 'holocaust').

Some of these Hasidim may indeed pack up and 'make aliyah'.  That might even be part of the design.

Indeed I'm personally doing something similar and this crazy vaccination programing is a significant part of the reason why.  Being a goy I'm not invited to go to Israel of course, and would not go there even if I were a Jew.

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
I wonder if Ebola has an outbreak in the US they will still be blaming "antivaxxers".

Count on it.  When (not 'if') we have the ebloa outbreak here in the U.S. pharma will be prepared with 300M doses and the governments we will be be prepared with laws on the books.  [Edit:  'prepared' both to mandate vaccines and to 'control the narrative' within modern media.]  The medical/tech industry will be prepared with 'lists' of individual profiles to be used to figure you who gets what.

The 'problem' will be easily solvable if everyone does as they are told and shows up dutifully for their shots, but a certain fraction of people will not and they will be responsible for 'putting society at risk.'  And a lot of them may well  die of Ebola so 'problem solved' for that class of 'bitter clingers'.

I personally hope to be 'traveling' when the shit hits the fan.

Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
'Dramatic' rise in African migrants arriving at US border

No 'reset' with Ebola outbreak, WHO official says

I wonder if Ebola has an outbreak in the US they will still be blaming "antivaxxers".
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
Can you people please take the endless bickering back to the standard vaccination thread? I made this one separate so people could read factual events and not have to sift through endless arguments.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
And every kid deserves a disease free life (atleast the diseases which are preventable).

Half of kids are now on some prescription medication for brain problems, auto-immunity related problems (asthma, insulin dependent diabetes, arthritis), etc, etc.  Basically if one reads the fine print on the vaccine insert, there is a list of all of the things we see in the real world if we bother to look.

Do the kids 'deserve' that?

I personally believe the kiddies 'deserve' at least a total health outcome study to figure out what is going wrong and whether the ever increasing vaccine load that they are taking on might have anything to do with the widespread health problems that 'we' are facing.

For some reason there is a dedicated effort to NOT do a relatively simple total health outcome study which is 'open' (meaning the study protocols are negotiated in advance and adhered to over the course of the study.)  The most likely reason for the resistance seems to me most likely to be that vaccines would be found to be a contributing factor to decline in health (and increased spending on pharmaceuticals) and powerful people don't want to find this out.

If one watches carefully, lots of people advocating our current vaccine regimes will not say that vaccines are safe.  News anchors will say 'no problems possible.  Period.'  What other more officially placed people will What they will say is something along the lines of 'we have no evidence that vaccines cause harm.' or some variation of that statement.

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