ok.. first post.
yes, this is a restrictive and resistive waste of time..
im sure it drives off potential participants.. lots of them.
also,.. i never was comfortable with brain police in any form..
sure, trolls are a bother.. 8 year olds whoknow how to type , but there is an ignore button...
im rambling here, somewhat..
but, if youve ever looked at any legal paperw' ork, or a EULA aggreement, or any 10000-20000 words of boilerplate... SO.... whatever the "house rules" are for the forum, dont expect me to have actually read them... BUT, looking at other posts i see an ample sprinkling of four letter words used judiciously to makea point, etc..
sometimes there is just no substitute for a healthy conveyor of sense...
next topic over "...secure wallet..." is not offensive.. its tasteful and funny.
good to know i dont have to wear a suit and tie to be here..
i promise i wont say anything bad about
bank robbers,
kiddie molesters,
or squirrel worshipers, leonard lake,
or tree huggers,
and i will only hunt stuffed animals, if i have a note from my mother.
forums are bottomless pits, i expect an answer to any given question [such as how to clcik a mouse] to be forthcoming in the usual timely manner, say 5-15 years,...
so id like to see something develop which will forward the 'cause' faster than typing away at a forum.
btc is interesting, but i dont give a flying irish alleycat about $$$ so why should i care about btc? its just another form of [ugh..] money..
but i would like to enter into a positive forwards motion of some kind towards improvimg the functionality of the wallet, the system, the g.u.i. and the general feel of the whole thing re: the nacent btc user...
like, do you seriously see anyone using two android phones, one to generat a qr one to read it, screwing around with the wallet, the 33 cht address etc etc etc, to buy a latte?
sure.. i know you can set this whole thing up in advance,.. that is if you are computer wise....
i can handle it myself but i mostly just dont bother.. the average dumb blonde ? ha!
its an interesting concept with a lot of potential, i hope to make it back here..
oh hell this is a ramble, i leave a lot, and a half a lot incomplete..
constructive criticism, tho.. id like to list everything that's 'wrong' with btc, the btc system, and the gui/wallets available.,.. then see it all improve.
well, look at microsoft, yahoo, google, bitcoin... just shows that no matter how smart programmers are they can screw anything up....
heres one .... 4 ya...
get a book on basic math, lay it on the floor.
now on top of it put a text on algebra..
on top of that place your standard calculus text.
now find an advanced calculus tome weighing [massing] at least seven pounds..
on top of that place a compendium of quantum mechanics..
next,.. the n dimensional topology..
can it go any further?... sure
to top it all off a college text on micro/macro economics will guarantee more nightmares than all the preceeding.
the point.... i have no interest in economic theory, dont want to hypothecate about btc's part in world economy etcetc, just want to make it more usefull.