"The problem with the current popular public-key algorithms is that their security relies on various hard mathematical problems. All of these hard mathematical problems could be easily solved by running Shor's algorithm. Current quantum computers lack the processing power to run Shor's algorithm. XTRABYTES-OTS is a new algorithm without mathematical problems, therefore, is uncrackable using the Shor algorithm. We need to prepare for the time, when quantum computing becomes a real threat. By the way, this is not so much about Bitcoin, because as the article says, the algorithm used in it can easily be substituted by XTRABYTES-OTS for example. However, quantum computing will cause many huge problems for the security of services commonly used in Internet digital communication, such as e-mail, messaging services, and web browsing. XTRABYTES will solve this problem by protecting every kind of data transaction that will be linked to our ecosystem. So the email service is insecure in the traditional way but will be secure via the XTRABYTES ecosystem. This is what XTRABYTES will give to the world. Please note that there is a lot of unprofessional nonsense using Bitcoin marketing techniques in the linked article. But it is a good example of why XTRABYTES is needed." - Borzalom
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I will let you know here just incase you don't have access to Discord.
As of now, XBY coin and XFUEL are essentially the same. Both coins will be swapped 1:1 into the new Proof of Signature chain.
XFUEL used to be used as a payment method to support the old team members. It is no longer used in that way and is now considered equal with the current XBY coin.
[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]