Basically, the concepts of Coin Shield have grow past the name. We are looking at capturing Nexus as the new brand, to be symbolic of forming connections in computers, people, economies; even the nexus of neurons that allow consciousness to express itself.
The greater vision is creating a border-less economy, through a Nexus of Nodes, through a Nexus of Ideas, through the Nexus we are forming that builds the very foundation of community. Through cooperation, rather than competition, we can expand through the bounds put in place in this industry, to prove a more profitable option that comes by working together as a community to create an economy the truly frees us.
Coin is a destroyed term in my opinion, which is why we are getting away from that terminology. There is an incredible wealth of technology left before us by Satoshi, that in which I am helping expand into usable technology that can benefit the internet in many more ways than fiscal transmission. This is begun with the Lower Level Library, that when matured will be of use to any programmer as the polymorphic templates can be used to make your own custom protocols, databases, encryption, etc. In being of benefit by bringing value forward into other industries, value then is reflected back into Nexus. This is partial to the foundation of the technology, that deals in the computing systems. This will be used in the creation of many different systems that will go to supplement the Nexus Economy such as Nexus Union and Nexus Trust.
Thank You,
Amazing. We should immediately launch an ANN thread for Nexus, or Nexus should be added to current ANN thread and white-paper in order to secure the brand. I like the idea of creating a new Nexus ANN thread with a bounty program. All of this sounds fantastic. I am a big proponent of bounty programs.
At this point, it would be nice to have a way to track the balances of recycler funds and dev funds from their respective channels. I think it would be very wise to consider using those recycler funds transparently for the development of Nexus.
I don't think there's any reason to wait for re-brand necessarily. For example, launching a re-branded 1.0.2 wallet with new ticker symbol can begin immediately. This way you don't have to do it all at once.
It makes more sense to get the ticker symbol changed on Bittrex now to secure the brand.
KryptoKash, where are you?