I've never noticed this thread before, thanks to morvillz7z for tagging me here. I just added it to my notifications.
Pretty excited about the new season and the improvements the Niners made on the D-side. This might be the year Shanahan gets out of his own way and doesn't choke at the last minute...
A guy can dream, anyway.
Yeah we aren't hardcore NFL fans who watch the draft for the complete two days without sleep.
Those are for armchair quarterback type personas.
We are casual bettors who just look at the odds and pick the favorites here. Unlike the American Football thread I have seen yourself and morvillz7z posting about more detailed things to do with the matchups.
Here we are more laid back and just watch as the casual fan would while having a couple of brews over the weekend.
You guys seem more of a tail-gate party over at the football emojii thread. 🏈🏈
But Sportsbet.io did have me open this one up just to have these casuals somewhere to post and not feel intimidated by the technical jargon of football only the hardcores would understand, such as yourself and morvillz7z for example.
But all good in the football jungle as Burrows would say.
Looking to join up this Pick'em pool just to have fun while watching the Sunday games and the entry fee is small enough to make it just that:
Fun to join a pool.
And having it on another platform rather than the other ones used is also welcomed to hear.
Also would it matter if you get a casino to sponsor the pool for the prize amount at the end?
Just as I had said before we just like to keep it casual in here.