Maybe you can include userIDs in the
data dump? Or make a separate data dump for "userID,addresses".
I'll make some changes in the way I store the addresses which will probably allow me to get this data.
When I
search for a simple text ("test"), I quickly get 200 results. However, when I search for a rare text (such as "
1NXYoJ5xU91Jp83XfVMHwwTUyZFK64BoAD") without Author or Topic ID, the Search button keeps spinning for what seems like indefinitely. I assume it's still searching, but this might cause a problem with server load at some point.
You're right. The database should have a timeout for long queries but it wasn't working. It is now.
You also made me realize that the query was taking too long in some cases when there were little results. For example, pretty much any address search would take forever. Now you can (mostly) search them and it is way faster.
This is cool
Maybe make it 10 minutes though, that's the time limit after which the forum will show a post as edited.
I'll think about it. I'm also thinking about making more checks, like another one after 1 or 2 hours.
I don't have enough free time, and sometimes I do research/post from the phone, while in bed, so having a bbcode format of the results from the search to copy from will be a very handy tool at least for me.
Will do! Thanks!
I had already
mentioned your old website in the German section. If it is desired I can translate the big new update and
advertise it in our section.
Your effort and invested time should help as many users as possible
Thank you! I really appreciate that.
You gave me some ideas. I won't do it exactly like this since I would need to make some big chances, but I may have found a possible solution.
Edit: Just saw the bot/website received a big donation. Thanks however did it! That pretty much pays the bot for a whole year.