Kevin, while I consider your kind rebuttal- let me offer a few small, meaningless counterpoints before, hopefully, leaving for good. My concern here is not for the betterment of your book, or the betterment of myself. It is for countless others who find nitrogen years after I have.
In regards to poor grading of wagers - Users want a community where they can chat, share insights, and laugh. How do you think that poor grading effects this, if everyone is simply using chat to say "[Betslip] OMG GRADE" instead of, "Wow, can't wait for x to start. Anyone think that pitcher y has a decent slider, or maybe it was just last game?"
Be warned -- Nitrogen will take anything/everything out of context to suit them. Though I respect your statement about protecting p2p collusion and multi-accounting, stop taking situations out of context.
For instance, I specifically explained my reward points situation.
1. I had an old account with 12 rewards points.
1. A. I lost everything, recognized I had a gambling problem, and took the courage to completely disable my account
2. I quit poker and sports for a year.
3. I created a new nitrogen sports account, after somewhat of a rebound, and earned 23.75 rewards rakeback points, after losing my very small bankroll.
4. I requested .25 points of credit out of those 12 reward points credited if possible.
5. Answer - "No - and we are investigating you for multi-accounting"
6. The investigation came back just fine
Most recently, over the last 7 days, I made in depth posts about the incorrect functionality of the "muck winning/muck losing" hands of your software. Though I did not expect for there to be a bug bounty, or an honest discussion even, what I got was pure nonsense-- That this option to show folds is available on "Many" other live poker sites, yet you can't mention which ones. Ignition shows you cards of your opponents sometimes, but post 24 hours and with random players... Big difference, and only thing close to this.
So other poker players can know what I experienced and decide if it's fair to themselves- in summation, we've all played in home-games before and done a "buddy show" i.e. your buddy brings his cards in and shows you QQ, throws it into the muck, after raising 55$ and being 3 bet preflop to 175$. This gives away no EXACT information really, just possibly a way of expressing belief that your opponent has you beat, and wanting to share your hero fold. In some games, it's common courtesy to "show all" if any player disagrees with this, and the table will decide what is appropriate AS A GROUP.
This is fine, as I am used to very serious, and light hearted poker "rules" or "settings"
What i am NOT used to is "SNEAK buddy show ONLINE", where your cards are exposed, even if you fold, and the previous hand is viewable to only those who choose to snap review hands.
Upon immediate review of a hand in a game I was about to join, I witnessed a player's small blind preflop fold be exposed in his hand review. That's right, I could see his cards IMMEDIATELY after the hand. Support told me the logic behind this, was that the player had both boxes unchecked. That answer is laughable at best, since those boxes are created to show bluffs AFTER everyone folds.
I know what you're thinking; headz, that's a bit crazy. The said player, probably a nutcase anyway, doesn't even know his proper omaha range. There's probably a very small edge indeed if it were possible to catalogue this type of fold and show it, and even so, the player might know you just saw his fold, and is trying to exploit your exploit!"
Point in case, it doesn't matter if it's exploitable or not. Poker is a game of HIDDEN INFORMATION. You've ruined the fucking game.
Empirically and theoretically, this is NOT a part of the game of poker, and all players know that in a game of poker, unless explicitly stated, you are NOT PERMITTED to expose your fold in any way whatsoever during, or immediately after, the hand, whether it affects the ranges/outs/player type, or not. If some subset of players are all in, generally the players who have folded, if they want to discuss or expose their hand, can do so with the permission of the all in players BEFORE HAND. (Since they didn't even make a decision with their hand, except to fold, sometimes they want to play around and make prop bets to enjoy what could have been). This is understandable in a game of poker, if all parties consent, and why?? Because the players who are all in, have no more choices left. The players exposing their folds, know for certain, that they are not giving opponents any hints of their ranges, because they chose to fold to a large raise, or without a blind or ante posted, preflop. However, the case of folding a small blind to a minraise preflop, qualifies as different than this! Theoretically, for any other type of reveal, it doesn't matter! It is unethical to show a range of a players hand to a subset of hand watchers/players who know the glitch exists, meanwhile the player and possibly the second subset of the table, doesn't even recognize the issue. You're cheating multiple people. It's why some of us play (myself included) to load up a hand and try to solve the puzzle of "what did he have there" or "what did he fold there?" It's complete nonsense from a game theory perspective that your admins refuse to acknowledge this breach of the fundamentals of poker.
Essentially, if you had your settings set up to show bluffs, which many players used to, nitrogen at some point this year completely disabled your ability to show cards. This is disgraceful. Instead, they offered other outside users in game and out of the game, to, more than likely, sneak looks at your cards, and quite possibly develop range information on you.
To poker players who want to comment:
the hand I witnessed as picture, was not sitting at the table, was about to join - hand of player in the small blind (I am not seated in this game) : hand of player in the small blind folding preflop (I am not seated in this game), cards exposed in hand reviewer
for outside viewers and in-game players who decided to review the hand :