It is possible to conduct an approach to gambling that is strategic an logical. This is about trying to understand the odds, the possibilities and what drives the game dynamics in a certain gambling event. There is nothing as wasted as long as you take such an approach and have a theory you are testing or a logic that you are following in your gambling. That is, if you learn somehting.
When I play I always try to use all that, both logic, intelligence, especially intelligence so as not to lose too much money, but I have always found or come to the conclusion that when some things happen, logic doesn't work, that's all that It goes in the direction of luck, when I play a lot with logic I don't win after a certain time, but when I play randomly I recover something of what I have lost, so these things are very good to take into Consideration without forgetting that everything is possible if we propose to play with different strategies.
Quite agree with you, we all are given brains for a reason after all, and one of the reasons I believe is to be able to think, come up with our own ideas, strategize and create something entirely new from what is already existing in terms of strategies and all that..
I don't know very much about how logic can be applied to gambling, most especially casinos games, but then, intelligence is one important aspect we must not do without, keeping watch over the game and your finances, knowing when to take a break, when to increase a bet and when to lower it, just so that at the end of the day, you don't end up losing more than budgeted for gambling that day,.
Of course, the idea is always to make available everything we know, intelligence is something that we must always take into consideration, for me the most important thing from the moment I enter a casino or online game is to apply my knowledge of everything . , what I see that I can apply, I apply, our strategies will always be good, sometimes some players can say that the strategies or applying intelligence are useless when playing in a casino, because the simple fact of being in a casino gives us totally to luck and it can be like that, even so it goes very well for me when I play with my strategies.
On social networks, especially on YouTube, I have always found strategies, sometimes I have found some that make me win, others not, but the strategies work for me, I'm just saying, if it worked for a player at some point, it doesn't have to be for me, or maybe yes.
Every casino player will always hope to have good strategies to play in a casino, I think that otherwise, there would be no point in playing, I have seen that many say that there are no strategies, that this is a lie, that there is not, but there is no killing the illusion, many have worked for me, and I don't know if by luck or by the same random system that does it, but so far it has gone well for me that way.