With a lot of interest picking up on it we will be releasing more in the coming days - to quickly try and sum it up: We want to work with those who are interested in NOBLE and love the more genuine ideas and movements behind cryptocurrencies. These people can sign up, be recognised on our website for their achievements, recruit merchants into the NOBLE network (and future marketplace) for commission, earn NOBLEs, will qualify for discounts and special promotions, etc. Obviously there is a lot of work to flesh this out and it will evolve over the coming months but that is the general idea.
We also don't want to limit it to a pure 'salesperson' role - if you want to sign up and apply skills in promotion or design (anything constructive for that matter) and be recognised and rewarded you will also be more than welcome.
Basically greater rewards for those who want to get more personally involved with NOBLE, and we've had a number of expressions of interest already. Regards. At its simplest level it's really just automating and promoting bounties for the work people naturally are offering to do and making it a little more 'official' while recognising them (should they so desire) on our site.