Sorry yes I did, and I think a plan of expenditure is definitely the next level of our attempt at transparency. We will most probably release an initial plan within the week. We have a lot to stay on top of, and hitting an exchange (with a value then assigned to the coin) will also help us begin to to put a more solid price on work/bounties/giveaways. It will also help us plan/decide (with continuing input from everyone here) how to most productively start spending for growth without negatively impacting the market in any way.
The majority of it we want to go towards tangible,
constructive development of primarily projects related to the marketplace, networking merchants, fair rewards for solid improvements and contributions (rather than blind giveaways), mobile apps. that make using and trading NOBLE simpler, and promotion such as blog articles, news, social media, etc. We also don't want to pay large sums up-front or all at once. We would like it to be ongoing work that is consistent (and can be monitored/stays in line with the current steady stream of extra NOBLE being released) - to prevent someone being paid large amounts (that our users wouldn't even know initially if it were legitimate or not) and immediately just dumping all of it on an exchange. We also have plans for at least 10%-20% of it going towards charitable work (that can be verified as legitimate with a larger, trusted organisation) that helps us, helps others, and helps NOBLE merchants (win-win-win). A bit stereotypical yes but we're strong believers in karma and know that by helping others we also help ourselves (in business and on a personal level).
We want our reserves to last at least a year - we don't want to hand it out to everyone on this forum for nothing so that it can be sold at a whim (not accusing or saying everyone acts like this) on the exchanges the second we hit with no real gain except short-term for those who got it for free. I'm sorry if that feels a bit harsh but we wanted to reward newcomers during the first week or two to get us on our feet. Not blow it all in a massive share and dump over the space of a month.Not trying to dance around the issue - in some ways we kept such an amount to cover any bases with an overall idea but not too many specifics. The most important thing for us is to minimise distrust and spending appropriately while maintaining our initial vision for this whole project. A vision we have begun to explain and realise, but one we want to grow naturally with the demands and changes of the market.
We've also got a 48 hour giveaway going here: that's reached more than 180 giveaways in less than 12 hours (the plan to keep it to this thread vanished pretty quick since external giveaways are 20x more effective at getting the word out). 2000 doesn't seem like much and we may increase the next one, but one thing we didn't want to do was degrade the value of the time miners put into the coin.Our next giveaway we intend to combine into social media (not spamming), for example 1000 for a thread bump + address, 1000 to follow us on Twitter, 1000 for Facebook, etc. etc.In terms of rewarding myself for my continued work I'm not sure - I'm enjoying this as is (and get passive income from other sources so I'm not struggling), seeing the community grow and getting a lot of satisfaction from just the positivity so far. I've met a lot of cool people. I'm not particularly special but feel like we're doing well here so far (if a bit slower than the big-hype coins at the moment) I can survive fine on an extra few hundred a week - but I would rather be completely sure we had provided value and the community as a whole was happy so far before considering paying myself .5 or so BTC worth a week. That is at least a month into the future, once we've hit an exchange, and people start becoming comfortable with the fact we've survived and continue to work hard and show growth (
staying positive and hoping that is where we're headed).
As I think you can tell we talk a lot and have made a point of being as open and honest as possible (which has helped a lot as well as opened ourselves to criticism for those who don't agree). This is only our fifth day and we are very open/flexible people. We're not rushing - we want to fill a particular space in this market. None of this is set in stone - feedback and the overall desires/mood of those involved also influence us. We're open to discussion and want to stay democratic in the forums regarding moving forward. I am quite an agreeable, humble person (I think?) and would much rather negotiate than appear to be arrogant and unflinching.