Regarding a Ledger & Block-explorer:First, I would like to say I personally agree with Cryptohunter, know and understand what he is saying - and I think he is 100% right. We wanted criticism and we knew this would be #1. Yes, we are un-proven and yes we join in a year when you're going to see 1000's of coin releases like this. So we know this will mean a lot if it is addressed and perhaps it will help us be taken a little more seriously than the other coins.
To be honest, we didn't expect to become one of those 'coins of the week' but I guess we did well initially with the design and plan, and released at a time that worked in our favour in terms of stability and difficulty. The traction we've gained in such a short time has made us sit up and go "Well, looks like we
do have the potential to be more than the 'hit-of-the-week'". So we don't want to blow it early. Obviously there is a lot more work to be done, but if we announce (and act on
fast) the following it will keep the ball rolling for longer than a few weeks:
1. "A full ledger - with details where the coins are going to go." - I can tell you right now 2.6 million has gone to giveaways to about 163 bitcointalk members (yes, I have a long word doc list!)* who have shown interest (many thanks to everyone who has jumped on-board!). 400,000 has gone to pools, with a couple more incoming. 75,000 to translations, and I'm about to get in touch with someone offering to do French (thanks for being patient). We will continue to tell you what the coins are being spent on (also see number 2 & 3 so you don't have to rely on our word). We know you don't know us nor should you trust us in this market - but I personally am hoping the more I ramble on and the more open/engaged we are a positive relationship can grow.
*We did want to be generous with initial giveaways and reward people who have shown interest on day 1 - so the generosity of release day ends in approximately 5 hours. The amounts varied between 10,000 and 25,000 NOBLE and generally depended on the post itself (see OP), the activity/post count and the joining date of the poster. Because of feedback the amount will be reduced as I don't want to deprive miners of their hard work from this point. Mining and saving alt-coins we can do,
spending them however is another matter entirely and we are trying to find a fair balance with work done for such a new coin.
2. The wallet addresses where the coins are held -
Done, we will do it, see #3. When we get an explorer going (which doesn't seem to take longer than a week? when someone who understands block-explorers better than we do gets on top of it) we will release about 20 NOBLE addresses with the initial mined amount in them. To be honest, I was overly careful about security and storing many addresses in multiple areas all encryped and key-locked. If anyone has any further tips on wallet security - please send me a tell.
3. A block explorer so we can all see where and when the coins start moving. - It is a but humbling saying this, but I personally do not know how to create a block-explorer. With the initial work in understanding coins and the code, I was not able to master this part. This is why there is a bounty for a block explorer for NOBLE, and fast. If anyone has any experience with them, knows what a fair bounty would be for such work, or who I could approach please get in touch with me. This site: seems to address them well? We are hoping something like this will suffice for now. We also
love and have gotten in touch with them, but being a newcomer means perhaps will be further down the road.
Also, I am currently looking into how CGB handle their ledger for Cryptohunter. If they have set a standard and are doing it well, then we would like to learn and apply it. I feel those who are most cynical and critical of certain things (in this case cryptocoins) are those with enough experience and have gone through enough s*** that they say what they mean loudly and know that it has legitimacy. It is these voices we know we need to listen to the most sometimes if we want to be taken seriously.
We know it is on us to prove ourselves - and we want to. I hope this might make those more wary or uninterested to at least keep an eye on us for now. I would like to hear from anyone who can help with getting these 3 steps resolved or any more thoughts/concerns.
I'm playing catch-up at the moment and do intend to respond to everyone so please bear with me! We have a puppy we had to take to the veterinary (he's all good now), and you can't say no to an eight-week old Jack Russell puppy.