I'm not sure what you wanted to point out here, these are the offered signatures for volunteers and there is no fee for wearing them. However, apart from councleanup, all other services are commercial services.
I think you can wear any signature (even some from regular, paid signature campaigns), so I see no reason to attach importance to it.
As far as I know, some managers and similar services have their signature codes and everyone is free to use them voluntarily
The Bitcoin.org probably also falls under non-commercial project (depending on how we define such) but I do understand your point.
Generally speaking, this thread is for "worthy" projects/initiatives that benefit bitcoin (or wider) community and that people might choose to support even without any financial compensation.
Sure, what is or isn't "worthy" is highly judgemental, just as the line between purely commercial projects and those run primarily for the good cause can be blurry. But just because we cannot define that super-precisely is not necessarily a reason to not have such topic.
Personally I'm happy to promote any good projects for free when I'm not participating in any campaign and hopefully others do too, so I think there is a case for having some sort of summary of such.