You are all facing the same issue, rouge nodes that are transmitting incorrect chain. version 60007 is the latest and syncs just fine, please look in your debug log and on "getpeerinfo" in your wallet, find the nodes broadcasting the bad chain and block them. We realised that if we do a complete forced peer block in the first phase of cutting them out, we run the risk of completely fragmenting the chain. This update allows people to sync, the next with a version bump again will completely lock out all other peers. We made a mistake in the first version so we split the update into two, as you can see, some have working wallets and others do not. You'll find that most who are having issues are connecting to the same set of nodes.
Please block the bad nodes in your firewall settings
Control Panel\System and Security\Windows Firewall
then go to advanced settings and modify your invound and out bound rules to block the offending nodes.
Hi Barwizi and others,
Unfortunately I also cheered a little bit too early. After I downloaded the wallet and synced it without problems, I closed and re-opened the wallet and then it was stuck again at 2700 blocks ago and not syncing anymore. Also not after more then an hour.
To try and solve this, I took the following steps (which worked):
1. I cleared everything from my %appdata%\noirshares folder except for the wallet.dat file2. I used Notepad to create a Noirshares.conf file in my %appdata%\noirshares folder. (if you do this, make sure you save the file as Noirshares.conf while "All files" is selected. Otherwise you might save it as a .txt file)3. In the Noirshares.conf file, you enter the following text:checkblocks=1
addnode= Run the Noirshares QT client again and it will start syncing again from the beginning. It might get stuck a few times in the end, but then just close the client and start it again and it should continue to sync.
5. After it has totally finihed syncing, you should be able to open the client again and it should remain up to date.This should however ofcourse not be necessary and everybody should just be able to download the client and it should just work.
So please DEV's focus your energy on building a completely functioning wallet without all these issues.
After that it would be nice to get some updates on where NRS is going so we can all squash the trolling going on here and built a strong community again.
The last days have not been good for my investment, so let's turn it around guys !

That is weird, but most complaints have been a variation of something to do with the block count, the main issue in such a situation is the inability to resolve to the supported one. We could have released a version with a direct update as i indicated before, but again as i indicated before, we need the real chain to propagate a little more. The issue is simply bad nodes, maybe someone forgot to turn off their zombies or just dont want to be bothered.
The solution is to block the bad nodes, but had we done that outright after we realised the problem, it had the high risk of splitting the crowd between two chains. In a few hours to a day, we'll begin release of a version that completely locks out the bad nodes. Why not do thid in the first place? Because we wre not sure if it was malicious broadcast or just a mistake, and we also needed to ensure that at least more people outside the dev group had a copy of the correct chain to help it keep going and help other sync/download the proper chain. This "limp mode will die by just upping the version number and refusing connections from anything else, the problem if we had done it right off would be.....who would we all sync from? "getpeerinfo" and "starting height in my clients on servers has shown that there are now enough users with the apporpriate chain for it to sustain a final update. While on the issue of the update, there has been talk of adding libzerocoin, if that falls through then the git version will be available in hours.
On to other issues, I have not ignored the accusations levelled against me, rather than be emotionla, i invited the General fund members to join the skype chat where they will find all the information they need. Asking me/Calling me out publicly says very little about some user's business acumen, let alone the baseless accusations.
Those who were here from day one are well aware that there was a premine, some got it in give aways, bounties and "incentives". WHen the project started, i was alone, and since it started i have focused on it and it alone. I have not participated in much discussion on anything else except the group short of maybe five or so posts made here :-, a project whose dev and idea i liked. Seeing how since February i have been focused on building the company and infratsructure, at great Personal cost to myself, both time, development and financially, it's quite disturbing to have someone whose time is divided between at least 5 projects point at me and tell me that i am destroying something i work day and night to build.
I keep quiet because, that is how professionals work, when a accusations are made, i make a statement and lay out my case. Currently i am cross checking all BTC expenditure and all investors in the skype group will have immediate access to the document along with supporting statements, including some quotes from the one who started accusing me in the first place.
Then later we wil move to the longer task of accounting for what portion of the premine was spent in supporting the group and setting it up in the first place.
For those who were here in the beginning, they already know how bad it was at the start, there is even a forum where we were thrown "off-topic". I paid and greased a lot of palms to get where we are, both from the premine and from my own pocket. Let us not forget that most of this was done when NRS price was less than a tenth of what it is now. So if someone wanted 1 BTC worth of NRS to complete a job, we practically paid through the nose in NRS.
To all these "indignant" people, i was here when NRS was a figment of an imagination and i am here still, working and pushing ideas and projects out like i'm in a snake pit. If you are so easily swayed by one person using a sock puppet to hide their true identity, you are the one with an issue, not I. because if someone has genuine concerns, why hide behind a new account? I launched NRB, which has almost tanked (dont worry my NRB guys I've got your back ) then as i matured and learned i refined my ideas, up until i got here.
I will continue to work in my usual manner, nice and decisive, and will produce products for those who choose to stay. This is not a pump and dump, as much as other would love it to be. In the end, we'll see who lasts longer, trolls or someone committed to the development of his idea.
I'll probably update you on wallet progress here then past that, it will just be development progress updates. All Gf members who wish to be present for the show of accounts, please Pm me your skype names.