Common now, you dumped days after NRS hit BTC38 and price started to go up (even before that, from what I understand, every time there was an upward trend).
It was doing fine without you "propping up" NRS, new investors were coming in and everyone was excited about the project (I even was marketing it to other people).
You could have left it just as it was without cashing in, it would have gone even higher up.
Instead you decided to dump to cash in, causing the market to fluctuate in a downward trend.
Don't give us this bull**** explanation now.
Why didn't you say this when the info of you dumping came out?
Why now after members were asking if replacing you was a good idea?
Why not answer all the other questions with data that can back it up?
Where's all these innovative features you promised us months ago?
Another coincidence I suppose