Im an early holder of MCO, still hold all my MCO, which are little more than 10,000 and I will hold till I get my card and I believe this project.
I tried:
Cryptopay card, which is extremely expensive to use and support is awful, asking you to provide notary verified selfie ( WHAT??!? ), notary verified utility bill and notary verified passport scan.......
Tenx - still no card, just stupid live sessions with the CEO, I dont even want to know, how he does look like, but that's the only thing I get from there now and especially, they already charged me for the card.
Bitpay/Xapo - it's quite easy to understand, why not to use them, if all your transactions actually goes through BitGo.
Monaco - received official green light from Visa and Im really happy about this, Singapore on the way, some more Asian countries and Europe on the way, so Im just waiting and I never count, what if I stayed in BTC, it just too stupid, I could sell Bitcoins to fiat for 8$, and then what, how would I have to calculate these losses ?
I understand your emotion about smart asset contracts, but some members already provided the calculations, which must make you understand, that it was actually useless, each second post I see here is yours, please stop your FUD, over and over again, the same story, it make you look like bad BTCMillionaire, who invested too much to the MCO, be wise.
No. No members provided any reasonable calculations. Kris claimed that the asset contract is "mathematically pointless" and people kept parroting that. But that's complete and utter bullshit.
There will be hundreds of millions in revenue in the coming few years, and easily multiple billions of revenue around the second half of 2020-2030.
Take just 1 Billion for example, that means
+$33.33 of revenue per 1 MCO per year. That means that your
10k tokens would generate you $333,300 USD per year at 1 billion from around 2025 onward.
Keep in mind that
all Visa cards combined have a yearly purchase volume of over 5 trillion per year.
So it's not too far fetched to assume that a strong crypto card could see an annual revenue of multiple billions per year, which at "just" 5 billion
would imply a yearly income of 1.667 Million USD for your 10000 MCO tokens. And that's not even considering the token value itself, that is literally
just the dividend.
This is what every serious investor knew about and invested for. And it's obviously that "mathematically pointless" is complete horseshit, it's either a blatant lie by Kris, or an indicator that he's not capable of basic Mathematics.
Even with far weaker performance you would have 50k to 200k per year from your tokens in the early 2020s based on MCO's prognosis. If you, or anyone, really believes that to be worthless I don't know how to help them. They're a lost cause.
Yes. The card is beautiful, yes it's nice to have.
But no,
the asset contract is not worthless and only someone with absolutely no understanding of the real world would truly believe that. Anyone who claims otherwise either has no idea what they are talking about or is blatantly lying to raise the short term token price.If you would have to choose, as a CEO of the company - to be removed all of your coins from the available exchanges or the change the idea of asset contract? What would you ?
) in 2030....