"“We are excited to be providing Wirecard with a Visa prepaid issuing license and to support them in serving locally affiliated and small medium enterprises – a market where we see great potential. By leveraging the Visa Developer platform to open up our APIs and collaborating with Wirecard, we are making it even easier for innovators and FinTech companies to create new and more secure ways to pay,” said T.S. Anil, Head of Products, Visa Asia Pacific. "
- https://www.wirecard.com/newsroom/press-releases/newsdetail/wirecard-becomes-first-non-financial-institution-to-issue-visa-prepaid-cards-in-singapore/
monaco is a complete scam, glad that I sold my coins with profits and didnt looked back! Stay away guys!
Ha! nice try mr Fudder, why you still lurking here..LOL