Well a 9% drop in btc last night .
But My advice is simple buy the dip.
I sold 2000 worth at 60+
Not buying it back today
eth is still more than 10 cents an mh at viabtc
mine on
This week I get 5 omen pc's with 3070's in them 1 is mine I will mange the other 4
I also get a PNY 3090 which is mine.
I also should 1x 3080 for 1600, It mined from Nov 17 to March 17 the day I drop it off. So it earned about 1200 usd and cost under 90 to run. 260 x 24 = 7 kwatts x 120 days = 840 kwatts x 10 cents = 84 bucks make it 100
so 1200-100 = 1100 I paid just over 800 so I was up about 300 bucks on it and just grabbed 1600 = 1900 profit
I had a six month to pay deal with zero interest. So it was a painless buy for me back in November.
So this was a hedge. I am burning 8 x 24 = 192 say 200 kwatts a day. For all the eth gpus.
Many ways to calculate my power cost I will say 5 cents a kwatt so 10 bucks a day to run 2500mh earning about 250 a day.
Selling the 1 gpu and cashing the 2000 btc at 60k+ gives me 3600/10 = 360 or 1 year of paid off power for all my gpus.
If the tumble continues this week so be it if a bounce back happens cool.
I hedged a bit over the weekend. So I can handle a drop.
I personally have no short term crash in site.(next 60 days) But then again I did hedge 3600 usd over the weekend.
By the way nvidia mining cards will be available in June. 90 days from now they concern me a bit.
minefarmbuy has them for preorder at 525 each
30HX series.
Releases end of June.
EVGA 06G-P4_4303-RB
https://forums.evga.com/NVIDIA-Annoucnes-CMP-30HX-40HX-50HX-and-90HX-GPUs-For-Mining-Cripples-Hash-Rate-Of-RTX-m3224552.aspxhttps://wccftech.com/nvidia-launches-cmp-30hx-40hx-50hx-and-90hx-gpus-for-mining-cripples-hash-rate-of-rtx-3060/https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/cmp/These cards will relate in June and crush the hash rate and along comes a fee drop in July.
That will slow profits up. But I still see coins rising in price.
I have a take on this in BTC section
I have a new speculation theory as to why bitcoin hash rate is not higher.
Unfortunately it involves eth and eth mining here goes.
If you are bitmain and now have 3 huge contracts for cloud mining started this year. you have x megawatts.
you look at $$$ per watt.
a s19 pro does 110 th at 40 cents uses 3300 watts or 80 kwatts at 5 cents.
this is 44 usd at 4 dollars power net 40.
an eth asic miner does 2700 mh at 3300 watts.
that is 270 usd and the same 4 dollars in power or 266 net.
eth hash rate grows like a motherfucker.
BTC hash rate grows slow.
eth prices kept down as you need to sell all the eth to get the btc to pay the btc cloud contracts.
we know bitmain can make an eth miner
we know bitmain can make a btc miner.
by doing the above they generate 270 usd worth of btc for 4 dollars power.
they keep btc hash rate down.
they please all btc cloud contracts.
they raise btc price as they buy btc with the eth they mine
they raise eth hash rate like mad
this also lower eth price.
everything above they can do
no one checks their cloud mining.
I like it and in fact hope they are doing it as I do not like eth much.
I really would like this to stay here as if true it is directly improving btc price with out more HASHRATE INCREASING.
Dec 31st 2020 hashrate was 142.725
March 12 2021 hashrate was 155.997
so 13,272,000 th was added this year.
as per this chart.
https://www.blockchain.com/charts/hash-rate13,272,000/100 = 132,720 s19 + s19 pro mixed
https://etherscan.io/chart/hashrate293,762 or 2,937,620 nvidia 3080's on Jan 1
436,440 or 4,364,400 nvidia 3080's on march 13
this comes to 1,426,780nvidia 3080's added
or 71,339 asic 2000mh units.
my point is per watt if bitmain builds a 3300 watt 2000 mh eth miner
it earns 200 usd for 3300 watts
the s19pro earns 44 usd for 3300 watts.
bitmain has sold a ton of cloud contracts in Jan feb march of this year.
yet hashrate has only jumped 10 percent
I think bitmain is doing what i do mining eth at lower power cost to buy btc.
if i sell you a btc contract that pays you 44 usd worth of btc.
and use the money to mine eth that pays me 200usd i pocket 156 usd in either btc or eth or cash.
the btc cloud guy gets his 44 usd .
this is very likely a factor that is rising btc prices
and lowering eth prices while it slows btc diff and speeds eth diff.
if i am bitmain i can build an eth miner or a s19 pro
both burn 3300 watts.
the eth miner makes 200 a day
the btc miner makes 44 a day.
which miner do i want to build? right here right now the eth miner.
well i would think 🤔 bitmain’s ability to make an eth miner would be under six months.
since there are two actual real eth miners that do
2700mh and 3300 watts
2000mh and 3300 watts
i would be pretty sure they could knock one off quickly.
the massive hashrate increase in eth since jan 1 shows it was done
the 3300 watts gets me 200-270 usd mining eth shows it was done
the slower hashrate increase in btc shows it was done.
i certainly would want to get 200-270 usd for 3300 watts.
rather than 44 usd for 3300 watts.
my mining is gear limited and space limited
i have 700 to 800 amps at 240 volts
soon to be 1600 amps at 240 volts
lots of space starting next sat.
I simply do not have much of any gear.
I will be at 25% capacity once the new power comes on line.
For me I do exactly this whenever I can get “cheap” prices I buy the gear no questions asked.
last week I found 1 highend gpu at msrp. i purchased it.
all gear leads me to btc.
so gpu at msrp mining eth and converting to btc is the exact same as
a cheap 256 asic miner. directly mining btc.
unfortunately the lead mod here does not agree with me on this.
good chance this gets deleted.
but reality is simple.
watts to coin is the heart 💜 of mining ⛏
and 3300 watts to 200-270 usd worth of coin is better than
3300 watts to 44 usd worth of coin.
i do three types of pow mining so I can juggle ltc/doge and btc and gpu/eth
I wish i had 2x
my l3+
my sha 256
my gpu
since i have the power.
bitmain certainly is doing this as it all fits. really well.
I have not purchased an asic for btc since we preordered one s19pro for 2500.
Phill as I said earlier, I do like the theory and I see the logic, but with Bitmain stuck in a few contracts to deliver tens of thousands of bitcoin mining gears which they have not delivered even half, don't you think that will make it difficult for them to focus on something else, at least the size you anticipate.
watts to coin is the heart 💜 of mining ⛏
Nicely put, and $ to hashrate is the backbone, no?
Well the idea is cool but they may not be doing it at all.
It could be deleted as the btc section is very
coinist a play on racist for those that have yet to have coffee this morning
much like white supremacy that section likes to practice btc supremacy.