well pps + and no luck involved means:
Avg. Daily Earnings 0.00007049 ETH/M (≈PPS 166.56%) that means that blocks are way bigger
Avg. Daily Earnings 0.00000737 BTC/T (≈PPS 109.18%) this mean blocks are somewhat bigger
Avg. Daily Earnings 0.02482162 LTC/G (≈PPS 96.25%) fees are very low for ltc so blocks are smaller. but they do merge mine doge so you end up over 100% of an LTC block
No luck they just pay.
Below is my referral code which means I get a piece of your fees but you do not Pay higher
Lastly they run 2/3 promos each year which cut fees down 30% for a few months of the year.
tomorrow I'll test braiinsOS and consider switching