This is Season 1 Episode 3 of the NutCoin story: The Oath
1) Send a donation to the "Oath Of Allegiance" NutCoin Address:
2) Find 5 people of trust around you and teach them about NutCoin
Make a generous donation to their NutCoin address.
3) Send an email to NutCoin Network
Write this inside:
"I, (insert your name), do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to The NutCoin Network, its members and users, according to nutlaw. So help me God."
Write the NutCoin addresses of the 5 people you recommend inside the email.
Send the email to [ a t ]
Thanks for your support.
Finished. Sent 100k to the oath of allegiance donation address. Also emailed with the 5 addresses of the people. can't wait for next ep
400 kh/s XD
I haven't finished my oath. I still need 1 friend...
My wallet is: NcH31vMF5p46MQXYWVYSUjtWuTKVAbr3ww
And your wallet?
I think it's about finding friends who haven't heard of nut yet XD
I know Suzuki, and?
oh nothing ))))