LQD June 2016 Profit Summary (Asset #17750387231635486778)
Stats URL:
http://liquidtech.info/summaryAssets: 327,859
Total Profit: 50.88 BTC
ROI: 53.38%
Capital Before Dividend: 146.18 BTC
Dividend Amount: 17.81 BTC
Divs Paid: 542,096 NXT
Div/Asset: 1.65 NXT (TX: 12419481672093925125)
Capital After Dividend: 128.37 BTC
As you can see here, I did decide to start valuing the fund in BTC this month. If you've been to the summary page anytime in the last week, you probably already noticed that. On that note, the fund made whopping 53.38% ROI on the previous month's after dividend capital. Profits were a mix of buying a million NXT at 1100 satoshis and some strong trade profits.
It is exciting to see the bots continue to trade well and volume on Poloniex continued to stay high. I'm quite optimistic about the fund.
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Thanks for your continued investment.