Why community are not spending more money in development?
Nxt is in a good moment , why dont spend more in development? be better faster.
develop is the most important thing.
I think that actual devs are doing a good job, but why not to spend more in devs?
dont get sleep.
more devs=betternxt=more money=beter next=more money...... etc etc
just wondering,Am I wrong?
We have plenty developers working on NXT right now. They are doing a great job.
What area do you think needs more developement?
dont know.. why dont have good android app?
I thinks is doing good too.But more devs, better,faster,price higher.The virtuous circle.
Devs are never enought.
You are free to set up bounties and organize funds. What do you want done?
Community have funds.I hope they spend with wise.
I'm no to deep inside NXT to know evey project and evey bounty.I have little nXT.
But at least I have some NXT to worry about them, so ,like every projet in every companie, spend in devs is allways the best option.
Its just my opinion.Thats all.
I agree devs are very important. The community does have funds and you can apply to the fund committees to get whatever idea you think is important off the ground. We have Technology, Infrastructure and Marketing Committee that you can browse here:
https://nxtforum.org/index.php?action=collapse;c=2;sa=expand;ed0025e6=c1b71824675fef1a436f89f728501fdf#c2Most people are already involved in roles that suit their time and expertise. What we really need is more of these people, more Nxt Project Managers. We have the devs floating around and we can apply for funds, we just need more Nxt people to deliver the visions they have.
One of the things I like about Nxt is that it is very welcoming and good ideas are celebrated and usually implmented
Case in point, Leased Voting is being implemented by Kushti (when he gets back from Honeymoon) because I raised it to the devs (it was someone elses awareness of it though, to be fair). Nxt devs like giving people more choices
Check the thread -