1.- Minimal as it is, BTC is a global phenomenon on which several -and growing- real life business are based. It has staying power proven through years of all kinds of attacks and manipulations and a clear path as to what it is, it represents and who the face of it is (The Bitcoin Foundation, with names and addresses, physical ones, as well and TAX IDs attached to it... none of which applies to NXT). Additionally, hundreds of independent organisms and enterprises do control who is mining and how much are they mining. So your point comparing NXT to BTC is utterly ridiculous, ok?
2.- You (who are you, by the way?) may have spoken to "some of these holders" or "Yoda" for all I care. It is argumentative and doesn't add any transparency to the conversation. Either put up or, kindly, shut up.
1. So, according to you, 4 years ago, you would have called Bitcoin a scam? If not, then come back in 4 years and we'll talk. (Btw, we have businesses starting up in NXT right now as we speak)
Prove it. (In case you missed it, this example was to show how ridiculous your arguments were, you were asking me to prove something as equally ridiculous.)
2. It doesn't matter who I am, but I am one of those who are starting a business based on the NXT platform.
Who are you?
No, according to me 5 years ago Bitcoin was a new concept for a potentially revolutionary for of payment. And I would probably would not have thought much of it except for another anarchistic pipe dream. Now if I would have given it some deeper mind, I would have probably been a converted very quickly. But there was no money to be made in bitcoin. For years. So that, in and of itself, separates it completely from NXT whose main if not only purpose was, as clearly evidenced, to make a very few amount of people a lot of quick money. By design. Proven by facts and by it's "distribution". PROVEN.
2.- No, it really doesn't matter who you are. It is clear that it is another scammer whether your scheme is already posted or not.
Me? I just trade on these scams trying to avoid getting too burned and hoping to find Bitcoin version 2 -the evolution of Bitcoin, that will correct some or all of its obvious flaws. No matter much who I am, because I am not scamming people nor pretend to be an honest anonymous individual while taking other people's money.
Think of me as someone that will expose alt scams as he sees them. And run with it.