Guys, something weird happened!
Either I screwed up big or maybe it's some bug?
I've sent today 14699 NXT to a customer in response for his withdrawal request, but money went into another account #434692873790144579 (tx 4799337629054063359).
So are there any checks for validity of addresses or can it be absolutely any number?
Anybody owns this account by any chance?
The weird thing is I am very careful and I do copy-paste from the form that my backend shows me. I have no idea where this erroneous number could appear from, because there are no users with such number in my database. There are no passwords, or accounts with that number which I could have accidentally copied. All my passwords and phrases are alphanumeric.
My client is 0.4.8 and has correct hash (I checked after reports today).
So how could this happen???
If it was a mistake, I guess there is no chance to find a key for this account?
Still, I absolutely can't understand, how, during a simple copy-paste, this could have happened...
I just met the similar problem of the "erroneous account":
I double clicked on the account number displayed in the web interface to copy&paste,
and it turned out that the digit(s) belongs to the balance was also copied!
I tried a few browsers, only firefox got the correct results!
for example, the account of passphrase "123" copied in different browser:
firefox:5554749856168571827 the correct one