In terminal nothing happens, After that I type Cd / java -jar start.jar , to start the client, but once again nothing happens... Does somebody now what I should do? Many thanks
Oke I posted this for the fourth time now, sorry for that. But Please people, Is there anybody who can help me out with this?
Love to help, don't know shit about the command line on Macs, but it can't be that hard.
Could u take some screenshots what u r doing/seeing in your terminal window and PM them to me, I'll see if I can spot any obvious problems.
I just use the mac client
The only issue I have seen is that it keeps asking you if you want to update to a specific version, even if you already have it. Probably got used to jean-luc's daily updates
Hey James, I installed the mac client, And when I open it, nothing happens.. what do I have to do? Thank you so much