Or how this works?
If I understand right this is 100% premined coin and every coin will get POS on future.
How may coins are behind dev growing stake = How much is dev premining and keep coins them self? All? 1%, 10% 100% or..?
I dont mind if they make profits from nothing... or from noobs pocket
but just want to know how many coins there is for dumping by dev?
Its important info for investors.
Are you sure you are in the right thread?
Serious question.
Nxt has been around since november and is up and running.
Maybe you are confused with NEX, NOX, NEXX, NEM, ME.TOO or FRX?
Those are all new since yesterday?
I repeat, I mean this question seriously.
Yes I ignore this automatic. This was first time I stop look it.
if you want to call it that with (probably) no research, go ahead.
I f you want to know more, please take a look at our wiki: http://wiki.nxtcrypto.org/wiki/Main_Page