We are a team of people (me, salsacz, nifty, justabit and a few more) who have worked hard on NXT marketing and organizing for over a month and we have not been paid shit for it and none of us are stakeholders.
And even the times we have plead with the community to start giving funding to these projects that is the corner stone of succes: we get zero recognition for it.
There is a distinct bias towards dev work in the community.
Not surprising, seeing the initial group that would use any crypto, especially an innovative one.
However, I've seen a lot of work seen go unrecognised, too.
The people who keep the sites and wikis running spend hours a day keeping stuff up to date.
If the sites weren't there, this would be the only place Nxt would be seen and it would fail.
Also, the calls for funds do not go into the pockets of these people as "stash" but are prespent on buying domains, webspace, or tickets to go to conferences.
I already said earlier there is a tendency to negatively comment on marketing, as if it's in some way dirty and people asking for funds are asking for free Nxt.
Not by all, but it's there. Imagine if that were done to the devs who put in shitloads of hours.
I can't speak for others, but the time and money I put in is spent because
a) I believe in Nxt and want it to succeed.
b) I don't have dev skills, but don't just want to sit on the side, but actually contribute.
To hear someone say that such people are shitheads that basically think they are great and the devs are not makes me more than a little angry.
Now, having said that, I am going to eat, chill a bit and come back with some more positive attitude.