Please calm. 250K sent already. 3 million marketing plan has been tentatively approved. As long as results come in, regular 250K payments will be sent. Marketing is simply a cost that needs to be spent. 250K per month is 3 million NXT per year. that seems enough to get a lot more marketing done than before.
All the sausage making can be done at nxtcrypto now. There is funding. This thread will just be there for the progress announcements.
The point is: we want something official. As the price grows, suddenly people become more and more reluctant to spend on the work we do.
I got thanked by BTer for suggesting them to add NXT, they did, price grew 100%, did I get anything in return? NO. People wanted to reward BTER instead
This community is so ungrateful and selfish that it's painful.
We are sending people to the official bitcoin conferences from our own fucking wallets. Why aren't the NXT fund being spent on this?
Of course I am pissed, I have witnessed this selfish ungratefulness for over a month now and for some fuckedup reason this thread is still seen as the "official" place where these decisions is made, eventhough ALL the PR work are being done by us on the nxt forum. MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE and I am fuckng tired of it
Sorry about that, but NXT decision makers are here. Now we have a de facto marketing budget for 2014. Payable monthly, based on making good results each month. you won't have to deal with the funding issues anymore, salacz is de facto in charge of marketing budget, so just need to work with salacz.
Now marketing group has community backing. it is based on performance, but that is only fair. No need to waste energy on what happened in the past. This is a great day for NXT. Marketing budget initial funding happened.
The deciders? who? When did NXT become centralized? CfB has been hanging out over at the NXT forum all the time, yet he turns to this thread to get the official decisions from people who are invested in 100 other coins too? Makes zero sense.
Where was the logo decision held? nextcoin forum.
Where was the marketing plans hatched? nextcoin forum
Where was the infographics, the videos, the business cards, the conferences, the brochures, the first casinos etc. organized and made? nextcoin forum.
This thread should be nothing but a historical piece to look back on.
Over at the nextcoin forum we got sections, it's actually possible to organize things unlike in this thread.
And it's based on results? Ok by that logic I was thanked by bter to get them to add NXT, so I am patiently waiting for my reward.... Jesus, you can't pay based on results post-event.
If you ask a guy to make a NXT video that cost like 50K NXT and it turns out it didn't get the views we wanted you can't just say "oh no sorry, yo uwont be getting your NXT for the work after all"
THe unprofessionalism is staggering