the one that can guess exactly when we will hit page 1000 gets 100 NXT the ones who publish on page 1000 get also 10 NXT each
Maybe if you guys chill a bit this thread might become useful. Seriously, go AFK for few hours and come back to witness just insane
amount of crap added here in the meantime. You are spamming out important stuff like problems with NXT wallet and so on. It could
be that IS the reason behind such stupid contest but long-term you are not really helping anyone.
Important info hopefully is being pulled out of this general thread. works are in progress
I think we need to open some threads based on functionality instead of another thread when everything stays in the same place which is the same as this original thread.
We should have at least some more threads like this:
1. NXT full feature clients - progress tracking thread here
2. NXT security and user interface improvement - progress tracking thread rickyjames will take care of it
3. NXT arbitrary message and mobile application - progress tracking thread someone should open one now
4. NXT promotion and marketing thread - progress tracking thread here
There threads will run parallel with the main thread here and the NXT source code report here
This will at least bring some organization to grass-root development we have here.
Someone should do the same for other threads and keep them updated. The updates should be a decentralized effort by everyone. Aslo remember to bookmark all the parallel threads.
Also NXT API 1 thread
NXT API 2 thread
+100 As additional people join the mix through these threads, they can easily be directed to activism items on the Nxt forums.
Gets hard to keep track of that here on bitcoin.. Wouldn't it be better if these threads were hosted on - they could even create a separate category for it. Makes it much easier to follow up on.
I like that the tracking threads staying here just for now. There will be links to forums. When this thread and developers move to a forum we will all move together.
Bookmark each thread to keep track of them.