from CfB:
the one that can guess exactly when we will hit page 1000 gets 100 NXT the ones who publish on page 1000 get also 10 NXT each
Maybe if you guys chill a bit this thread might become useful. Seriously, go AFK for few hours and come back to witness just insane
amount of crap added here in the meantime. You are spamming out important stuff like problems with NXT wallet and so on. It could
be that IS the reason behind such stupid contest but long-term you are not really helping anyone.
I agree 100% about this... these little games, sweepstakes, ask BCTnext a question, etc are very gimmicky n completely unnecessary to promote a supposed "next generation" crypto.
we have no "working" product yet... so the only thing a new user has to base his decision on whether or not to use n adopt nxt is forum post like here...our community posts here n future promises of what nxt can do is what helps new users n investors put money n faith into nxt.
I propose we leave out these little gimmicks n games n focus on nxt development related materials so new users n investors can have faith in putting their money into nxt.
Sometimes I believe people are reading a totally different thread than I am...
Apart from some light heartedness, mostly I see people thinking and working their asses off and showing the products.
This takes time, so yes, "nice" interfaces and ease of use is still weeks/months in the future.
This has been said by more than one dev.
The target group of new users at this moment is not the mainstream user. I'd be horrified if someone actually proposed to try and go to market with the current client.
At this moment it's for people who are interested in the inner workings and not the mainstream user.
However, apart from hard work, sometimes it's nice to have some fun.