Please feel free to help in the collective effort on put the white paper together
Share your thoughts and opinions here..
Thank you all
I am very interested in contributing to this, may I get edit access please?. I just signed up a wiki account as rickyjames.
A decade ago I fancied myself an amateur science journalist and made lots of "explain hard concepts in simple ways" posts for a science news blog I ran for a couple of years. I eventually gave it over to David Bradley, who is a "real" science journalist in the UK. He has sort of retired the site but keeps it online so access to the previous stories are available. Head over to and search on "rickyjames" to see around 1100 articles I wrote over a three year period from 2003-2005. Well, I didn't write all of them - as time went on I was cutting and pasting more and more from press releases I thought were key and caught my eye...
A random example I found walking down memory lane over at sciscoop a minute ago...
you have access now and can contribute