What are the most inportant 5 things the community should do, in order to properly support nxt in the next 6 months? 40 (20.6%)
why was the initial funding cancelled suddenly with few people? 22 (11.3%)
How would you solve problem with scam accusations according to "unfair" distribution Nxt to 73 big stakeholders? 20 (10.3%)
I didn't follow this closely enough at the time. The second and third questions are almost the same so it's a shame they're both there (although I do believe it's a key question for him).
I would have added something like:
- Knowing what you know now, how would you have developed NXT differently?
- What are the top 5 risks that NXT faces in the coming months?
- Do you think the lack of a LOLCODE implementation of NXT is the primary reason for it not yet reaching parity with BTC?
Ah well, too late.