I read somewhere in the past, what You should not worry about blockchain.nrs. Somebody can confirm am I right?
After checking, running, restarting everything so often there came one thing in my mind: could it be connected with the operating system, in which java and client runs? Could everybody, posting problems with some crashes and need of restarting, also post operating system, client version? I have clue, most problems happens in Windows
I was only asking about blockchain.nrs because I haven't seen that file in my nxt folder since couple of client versions back.
Besides generating an incorrect block at some point, I haven't had any problems with 0.5.1
If everything else doesn't work, kill the java process from Task Manager and try again.
Funny because I had no issues until I started NXT 0.5 today. It went crazy so I upgraded to 0.5.1 and after it went crazy the exact same
way as 0.5 previously, the only thing that helped was creation of blockchain.nrs in NXT root directory. Everything worked fine afterwards,
node is up few hours now without any signs of going crazy again.
No need to kill Java process because it can cause problems, you can gracefully stop NXT this way:
1. Create and use
start.bat to start NXT
java -jar start.jar STOP.PORT=13333 STOP.KEY=stopit
2. Create and use
stop.bat to gracefully stop NXT
java -jar start.jar STOP.PORT=13333 STOP.KEY=stopit --stop
You can use your own values for port and key, but make sure port is in 10000 to 65536 range.