Who is the owner of Peercover NXT/XRP exchange?
Edit: Did they conduct REAL NXT trades?
datz is the owner of peercover, the peercover main NXT address is 2269220637361284198
During development (before jan 3rd) peercover had too close encounter with darkNXT and 100000 is now darkNXT
I personally sent peercover the 100000 NXT to make sure all withdrawals would be covered since dgex at the time not responsive and no way to get real NXT transferred to peercover any other way. Sorry, nxtchg.com is not financed enough to be considered for large NXT exchange.
I spent full day during dgex created emergency so that NXT will have a place to trade. Remember it was not even working, simultaneously with src release. Strategically, it is unacceptable for there to be no way to trade NXT in large volumes. I sent XRP to fund people's accts and all of them returned back, showing the honesty of NXT'ers. People can and have traded NXT on ripple enabled by peercover. Peercover also has a direct trade page that allows for trading without using ripple wallet. Still need ripple acct.
However, for my efforts to create an alternative to dgex, I am accused of taking advantage of people somehow. dgex screws everyone and I am accused of bad faith? Covering 100000 NXT gives me super big advantage? I also was told to stop posting here, something I don't remember even yuriygeorge was told to do
As I reviewed the voting, I didn't find a single mention of the peercover solution, until CfB did.
NXT and ripple have one feature in common, payment. Ripple will do a far better job in the gateway space especially for foreign currency conversion and to corporate payments processing (until TF). This is less than 10% of NXT feature set scheduled for April. For this you are still paying dgex horrible fees? For this you accuse my actions of hidden agenda?
I have been honest that I am working with peercover, we are working in ripple space together. peercover is one of most respected companies in ripple space, ask 2Kewl4Skewl. I convinced datz to add NXT support and to not charge any fees and use forging revenue model. I am to eventually receive share of forging revenues from deposited NXT. Considering that only ~200000 NXT has been deposited, I probably have to wait for several years to recoup my 100000 NXT.
If it weren't for the support of aldrin, klee and bidji29 and many others who PM'ed me I would have simply gone away and made all the ripple haters happy. Many people are afraid to voice their support for me publicly due to this anti-ripple sentiment.
Ripple will not kill NXT and NXT will not kill ripple. This means it makes sense to take the best from each and utilize ripple for NXT benefit and vice versa. If you want to keep paying dgex fees and trust him to not increase them at next critical moment and to redeem all your money, fine. If you don't want automatic deposit and withdrawal and distributed servers doing the exchange, fine. If you want to call me an idiot or disagree with my analysis, fine.
PLEASE just give me the respect that I feel I have earned and certainly more than the pre-pretty charts yuriygeorge!! PLEASE do not accuse me of being dishonest, that really hurts me.
P.S. Has anybody checked whether the stolen NXT is in darkNXT accts? If it is darkNXT, then we can believe the thief but then the problem becomes that we misanalyzed the entire episode. darkNXT is the biggest threat to NXT right now, it must be fixed in all ways. I feel this 100000 ways.