Can an expert who has analyzed the DDoS attacks comment here? Please let us know what your IT guy says. If this is viable then we all really need to go figure out how to make this work on our particular distros on our VPSs
"The ddos-deflate bash script is a free anti-ddos solutions so if you suffer from a large scale DDos attack it will not be possible to stop it.
In that case you will need a hardware firewall in front from your VPS which are very expensive ( ~$30k ) or you could move to some host that provides anti-ddos firewall protection ( which is also too expensive).
So at the layer 7 DDOs attack attacker looks like a legitimate connection, and is therefore passed on to the application server.
At that time the attacker begins requesting large numbers of files/objects using HTTP GET.
The DDOS Deflate will monitor these requests (to the ports that we have already configure at the Iptables firewall or the Advanced Policy Firewall) and block the IPs that exceed the threshold that we have configure at the ddos.conf file."
I hope this help guys, my friend registered here but is isolated in the Newbies section atm.
I will be away today so I wish everyone a happy New Year with health, luck, love & wealth!