Email to liz of the Raspberrypi foundation as suggested by rickyjames here:[email protected]"
Hi there, merry christmas, my apologies for the odd hour of this email but let me assure you, it is very necessary and possibly rewarding. I am ola, I am working with several members of the "NXT" crypto currency community to bootstrap a new decentralized, built from the bottom up protocol, for decentralized digital currency and other decentralized utilities. The Nxt community needs the help of your raspberrypi community badly.
The members of the Nxt crypto currency community have put together a Fund to award to any individual or organization that can help us increase the strength of our network. We believe that your community has to tools to help us achieve this. As a result we are prepared to donate a large amount of the funds to your organization in exchange for exposure to your community on your forums.
We are currently in the alpha stage, testing the decentralized network and we are getting ddosed constantly...This problem will go away if we had several thousand Nxt nodes set up on several computers. Members of your community are adept at using raspberry pies and are always looking for new ways to use these devices. Your community armed with rasberrypi devices can help us accomplish just that . Please feel free to respond at any time and let me know what you think about this synergetic proposal. Thank you.
Learn about nxt : currency from the top : nxt installation on raspberrypi:,1277.msg10730/topicseen.html#msg10730 "