I wrote a new post at raspberrypi.org hopefully it gets approved. We need pouncer to get involved in this. Here is the post:
"Hi there, I am ola. I am working with several members of the nxt community to bootstrap a new decentralized, built from the bottom up, 100% proof of stake crypto currency called NXT, Pronounced 'Next'. The Nxt community needs the help of this community badly :cry: . We are currently in the alpha stage testing the decentralized network and we are getting ddosed constantly...This problem will go away if we had several thousand nxt nodes set up on several computers. Your rasberrypi devices can help us accomplish just that 8-) . We are also not looking for a handout..We have a donation fund of ~460,000 nxt to reward those who help us by installing next node through our launch date Jan 3 2014 to Help bootstrap the network.
The fund is currently worth about ~$22,000 after only 3 weeks. It is expected that after a little while past the the launch date, the fund would most likely be worth several million dollars. and with some of these funds distributed to those of you who decide to help out, who knows you might find yourself with several thousand of dollars in extra cash
. Of course nothing is certain. But every evidence indicates this will be the case. Nxt Is only been in alpha for 3 weeks and already it is close to competing with the top crypto currencies like bitcoin see here, 5th on the map:
http://coinmarketcap.com/Here is some nxt money from the fund:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgAGADgnQcrtdHRrV3V3Z1lzOXVEMWtqdElUaEtqV1E#gid=5It is expected that nxt would eventually overtake bitcoin due to the extensive list of features it will be launching with, its superiority in transaction processing speed and eco-friendly forging process ("mining"). Take a look below to gain some insight:
Detailed feature sets:
- Decentralized DNS / Alias System (Starting at block 22000) ( this is already in effect and it raised the NXT market cap to > $20 million)
- Transparent Mining (Partially starting at block 25000) IN A COUPLE OF DAYS !
- Decentralized Asset Exchange / Colored Coins (Starting after block 30000) Jan 3 2014
This also allows gateways to issue other currencies (fiat or crypto) on the Nxt network.
- Decentralized Marketplace / Auction
- Decentralized Mixing Service
- Encrypted Messaging / Chat
- DDoS Protection - Project Kharon (in development)
- Voting
As you can see, its an impressive list of features for a currency / protocol to be launching with and there is much talk about nxt in several prominent crypto currency circles. If you would like to take the plunge to help out and be rewarded for your efforts, A guide has been written to help you accomplish this. See below:
Guide to installing nxt on raspberrypihttps://nextcoin.org/index.php/topic,1277.msg10730/topicseen.html#msg10730If you don't know what these feature sets mean, what you need to know is that the world you used to know will no longer be the same in ~1 to 2 years...Spend 30 mins to browse the resources below to understand this world changing innovation
Detailed nxt overviewhttp://nxtcrypto.wikia.com/wiki/Nxt_Wikihttp://nxtcrypto.wikia.com/wiki/FAQhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NxtVideoshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oAiCOWLtn4 nxt intro
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8dLMoZLMzM nxt intro
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1FTzBjy_8Q how forging works
If you manage to get your accounts up, respond with you nxt account addresses and you will be rewarded by several of the moderators coming to this forum post from the nxt community. Thank you guys.