Added Jetty DoSFilter (thx to Edward Elric)
Added myScheme, myPort and shareMyAddress parameters (set them to appropriate values, they will be used in next version)
Added enableHallmarkProtection, set it to "false" if u wish to switch the protection off
blacklistingPeriod is set in milliseconds instead of seconds
logPeerCommunication replaced with communicationLoggingMask (1 - log exceptions, 2 - log responses with non-200 HTTP response codes, 4 - log responses with 200 HTTP response codes), mask values can be combined in standard way
Block feeding chunks increased from 128 KiB to 1 MiB.
NB: Change maxRequestsPerSec value from 3000 to ~30 if u run NRS as a Nxt peer.
Download link is dead
So my wallet is not showing up correctly in the blockchain. The blockchain is still showing my blocks generated and total Nxt amount from 24-36 hours ago.