The issue that James brings up is REALLY IMPORTANT. If you are skimming through this part of the thread and you quickly decide that *duh* everything on AE should be denominated in nxt because nxt rules, THEN YOU HAVE COMPLETELY MISSED THE POINT.
Sorry for the all caps alarm bells, but this is a really complicated issue. If you do some research into the "petrodollar system" you will find a real world example of the problem that James brings up. Forcing the world to buy oil in USD has contributed to the USD's current status as the world's reserve currency. It has benefited the US government by increasing the value of USD (increasing worldwide demand for the dollar). However, now the US government has to make sure that oil producing countries only accept USD for their oil, or else the value of the USD will plummet and cause economic havoc for the US and the world. This is one reason that the US government is so friendly to the Saudis. This is also a reason that smart people are really worried about deteriorating relations between the US and Russia. The petrodollar system is a house of cards.
By analogy, only allowing trades in the AE to be denominated in nxt will have similar effects. If we succeed in making everyone use it, then sure, nxt prices will fly to the moon. However, the petrodollar system is highly unstable, and requires some serious political maneuvering to keep it running. It also required the most powerful country in the history of the world (debatable, I know) to get started. Lets be real here. We are a very small, niche community. I don't know if we could make AE successful with only nxt-denominated trades, but I do know that we would be making things much much more difficult for ourselves.
I also believe that such a system is inherently unstable. If we try to force people to use one currency, either by design of the nxt platform, or by dishonest marketing, we are ultimately doing more harm than good. We need to deliver unique, useful, and price-competitive services as a network. If our network is better than the alternatives, and if we market ourselves effectively, then we should see mass adoption of the nxt network and our personal wealth will increase. There is no easy shortcut.
We don't need to be the reserve currency of the internet to be ubiquitous and successful and richer than we are now. Please, please spend some more time thinking about the consequences of this decision.
+1, please, Nxt main target should focus on decentralization. Denominating everything in Nxt lead to centralization. Which is bad in the long term for Nxt. Most thing in AE will be denominating in Nxt anyway, but some special market need not to be denomintated in Nxt. Do not forget that.
I think giving people the option to be free ultimately makes nxt stronger. more options and more service = better nxt in the long run. this isn't a pump and dump, right? Google makes money off of giving as much as they can away for free, and just making a little off the top via advertisements, same with facebook. the platform that gives the most for free wins in my opinion.