Do u have any ideas how it's better to implement Transparent Forging? The goal is to find an optimum where we can predict few blocks in advance but noone could game the system by preparing such accounts that he would be able to forge a lot of blocks in the row.
So, that attack would go this way:
1) attacker creates N accounts
2) attacker receives M raw transactions
3) attacker tries to find a row of blocks by:
3.0) do until no raw transactions are available
3.1) choose X raw transactions
3.2) is the account forging this block one of the N accounts?
3.3) if yes, go to 3.1) and remove X transactions
3.4) if no, go to 3.1) and choose another selection of raw transactions
4) if no combination will lead to the desired output => attacker creates his own raw transactions, go back to 3)
5) choose longest row and submit it to the network
Is that the attack vector you have in mind?