someone mentioned before "what happens if the assets sold on the AE become worth more then the market cap of NXT?"
would i be right in saying that the marketcap of nxt will always be higher then the marketcap of the assets sold on AE? seeing as you need nxt to buy shares on the AE? thus meaning if there is ever a company that sells shares on the AE that grows to the size of google.. the nxt marketcap will also rise to above the market cap of that company+the rest? so say NMAC rises in value and all the shares are worth 40billion.... the nxt marketcap would be atleast 40billion? am i right in saying that?
To me it feels like you are saying the market cap of DHL should be equal to the value of the parcels it shifts...
In this case Nxt is the medium in which the assets are traded, but NXT may not be used to buy/sell those assets, if it is - great but I assume what we are saying is you can buy one asset e.g. Silver with another asset e.g. BTC
Will they be completely decoupled, I am guessing not but I don't have a good enough knowledge of economics to guess what the relationship will be.
well maybe im wrong but from what i know you wont be able to buy shares in one company with shares in another.. or silver or what ever other asset! the reason i think that it will be the case that the value of nxt will rise with the value of companies is akin to the petrodollar!
you need dollars to purchase oil hence propping up the value of the dollar!(allot)... if a company is growing fast and people want to buy into that company they must first nxt and therefore propping up the value of nxt the same as the petrodollar only for companies instead of oil... correct me if im wrong but thats just the way i see it going!
i also think it would be a bad idea to make it possible to buy shares/assets with any other assets! i think nxt should stay as the base currency... look what would happen to the dollar if it became the petroeuro!
Certainly there is an effect, but not directly linear.
However since all assets are priced in NXT, if somebody wanted to use AE to sell things that are worth more than all of NXT, they couldnt. Therefore they wont.
This is why we need to be able to trade things denominated in other assets.
Do the math please. Do you want to ensure that there will never be any more assets in AE than the market cap of NXT?
Currently, what would happen if somebody deposited 100 million worth of BTC and had that much in BTC assets? People wouldnt pay a premium for it, but there isnt enough NXT to be able to represent all of that BTC. Certainly the price of NXT will "stretch" as best as it could, but not linearly. Some proportion.
Now imagine somebody issued 100 billion USD worth of Petro assets in NXT. of course they wouldnt, unless there was 100 billion USD worth of other assets. This wont make NXT worth 100 billion, but if it gets even 1% due to the "stretching"...
Do the math, properly and you will see that we need to allow trading assets against other assets, otherwise NXT AE will be limiting the amount of assets being issued in the first place.