CIYAM, What do you see the value of NXT being longterm? I partially agree with you, but only to a certain extent, I think the value of NXT can be a few USD max in the next 2-4 years, I'm sorry guys but 500USD isn't going to happen, unless supply is cut off.
Salsacz, I watched your video! Great work! We think a lot alike, I really appreciate the work you're doing. I'll send a tip your way when I get to a safe computer. works great, who created it? I will be passing it along to friends and family so they don't complain in a year when they "missed out" because it was too difficult to create an account.
At this moment in time the most important project for NXT's success is automated multisig gateways for the AE. Is there currently a group working on this? I can help out if you guys need a cross-language dev. If I can buy LTC or BTC with NXT I would never use BTER/Cryptsy/BTC-E again. There is a massive market here.
No outsiders care about it all anymore, development has halted, frustrated discussions without any results, prices are going to the bottom and everyone except the initial IPO holders have lost a large amount of their invested money --- is it as good as dead?
No, pull yourself together man.
I am the only one coding the core of the multisig gateway, but antanst who created NXT tipbot and is helping with the web side, including google authenticator verification of withdrawals
I am a simple C programmer, so it would be great to have somebody who can refactor it into a different language. I am currently doing a total refactor now that I got the proof of concept working. Based on antanst's feedback (he didnt like the single gateway reliance for 1 second on deposit into sweep acct), I am in the process of abstracting and generalizing acct creation so it will be possible to manage a separate multisig acct for each user's deposits. As they trade assets, their deposit acct balance wont correlate to their holdings, so the deposit accts add up to being a single virtual acct for the entire gateway.
I plan on balancing the multigateway deposits so that over time, it will be evenly spread out across the accounts to provide minimal incentives for hackers to try to crack multiple hardened server locations at the same time. Fragmented multisig!
If there was an independent implementation of the multisig gateway, then when all three servers come to consensus as to a withdrawal, any bug in my code wont be replicated on all the servers, so while it might take a while to totally synchronize the algorithms, it will provide yet another redundancy.
As far as NXT price goes, It is hard to imagine that NXT wont reach $1 USD at some point in the future, however NXT is under attack as evidenced by the large amount of recent trolling, some a lot more convincing than emule. Expect volatility ahead as the anti-NXT guys that have accumulated a large amount from previous spikes and dumps still have reserves. NXT represents a big threat to the establishment, bitcoin and fiat, and it does not take much to double the price or halve the price. A volatile price shakes confidence. Look at what the fiat guys did to bitcoin!
As far as active developers on major crypto goes the following is my ranking:
1) Bitcoin - not sure, but assuming there are quite a few
2) NXT - I know of at least a dozen devs, probably a lot are working in stealth mode
3) Ripple - 10 devs/tech guys etherium -
5) counterparty - 3 devs
6) mastercoin - 3? devs not as good as counterparty but they have thousands of BTC)
7) DRK - 1 dev + 1
8 Anoncoin - 1 dev maybe 2?
9) emunie - 1 dev
There are other coins with a couple of devs, but most altcoins dont even have a single fulltime developer! I apologize to things like colored coins and others that I am sure exist, but I only use coinmarketcap to get candidates (other than ETH and emunie)
Those of you that are not programmers, I ask a favor. Please stop complaining. It really doesnt help morale at all and it is counterproductive. If you want to help, test. If you cant test, then just lurk instead of bitching. You do want to help dont you?
Now if you are invested in NXT to quickly double your investment, please join emule. The scope of NXT is quite a bit larger than a 3 week project. If you do not understand this, I suggest sell. If you like centralized organization, there is mastercoin and emunie for you. They are very centralized. You could always invest in XRP, but then again there is that 55 billion they have promised to giveaway, but that still leaves another 45 billion that could hit the market at any time. People complain about a few accts with 50 million NXT??? What is a few people having 5% each compared to a single organization controlling 93% of inventory???
NXT price will not go in a straight line. People will buy the rumor and sell the news, like what happened with mastercoin. It is no surprise that the price goes down when they release. The reason is that it was preannounced, everybody knew it was going to come out. So everybody who is into that sort of thing already purchased it before the release, who was left to buy it? Nobody. That is why the price went down. Day trading 101.
NXT is a currency. Yes of course it is. Everybody can see their NXT balance. There is a price in the markets. You can send NXT to people. Anybody that says NXT is not a currency is being silly.
NXT is a platform. Yes of course it is. I built nodecoin not out of thin air, but on top of NXT. It took a day of coding. This shows the power of NXT, I am just a simple C programmer. Imagine what somebody with real skills could do!
NXT is a decentralized asset exchange. Yes of course it is. We can all see it on testnet.
NXT is a
. Yes of course it is. NXT enables things. NXT is like the internet. Does anybody say that email IS the internet or that the internet IS email? Is the internet http? Is http the internet? Is bittorrent the internet? Is the internet bittorent? Is ...
I hope you get the idea. There are literally a thousand things that can be built on top of NXT. One of the reasons why I starting coding again is that I wanted to create a developers kit to make it easy for other simple C programmers to create stuff. I was a little rusty at first and all this crypto decentralized stuff was new so I had a steep learning curve, but I am getting in to gear so if I can stop getting distracted by all this nonsense in this thread I could be pretty productive.
However, when there is a serious threat to NXT, I need to respond and the level of insidious undermining of confidence in NXT that is going on has gotten to a point where I have to take time out of programming.
If NXT is dead, then everything other than bitcoin is dead. BCNext is gone, but was he ever really here? Actually I dont think he was ever on this thread. In any case, jean-luc is our BCNext now. He is here to stay and if you havent noticed, he keeps cranking out release after release. His code is so nice and clean, I am even tempted to learn Java! If jean-luc was the only developer, NXT would still survive. However, we have so many more contributors. True many left for other projects, but that only makes sense if you are after the big score. Going from nothing to a few millions. Sure, nice if you can get it, but what happens when the price of the new fantastic NXT clone comes out and ** gasp ** nobody becomes a millionaire? The people that jumped ship wont stick around long as they have proven that they are quick to abandon.
Anyway, we all know that the initial distribution wasnt great. However, it is much, much better than ripple. NXT isnt perfect, it is what it is. If you dont like it, please sell and leave us in peace. For whatever its worth, it is my opinion that NXT is better than any of the alternatives and my multisig gateways and other add on services will not be available for any NXT clones, regardless of who makes them. Without real world gateways, NXT is confined to crypto land. With real world gateways, NXT can expand into the real world. The multigateway to other cryptos is just a start.
Anyway, please bookmark this or whatever and use it for anti-FUD. I am tired of repeating myself. gotta get to work
P.S. back to the NXT is like the internet analogy. Assuming you agree with me on that, please estimate how much owning some percentage of the actual internet would be worth. Owning NXT would be like that. Long term real estate thinking is what you need to have. NXT is raw land now, bulldozers, construction workers, big mess. If you dont like messy things, sell NXT