Tell me if I'm wrong but this sounds like fairyland.
+1. It's bad enough when we talk about doing Secret Twitter in out blockchain. Now it's Secret Internet. I am afraid all of these ideas are like 1000 TPS - boy they sound good, but when you start digging into the engineering / math / numbers end of it to actually implement them, reality forces a hard landing to the soaring balloon of dreams.
I still think of all the unicorns and Bigfoots running around in the NXT forest waiting to be captured and corralled, we should focus on blockchain pruning, block speedup, true TF, and getting to 1000 TPS. Why we are off chasing the other dozen cool ideas being batted around instead of focusing on THIS ONE is beyond me. Maybe because it is 1.0 crypto-coin oriented instead of 2.0 crypto-financial-service oriented.
I say again, WE ARE IGNORING THE CRYPTOCOIN 1.0 FOUNDATION OF NXT AND THIS IS A MISTAKE. We should be systematically shaking the trees for vendors who will put NXT logos beside their "Bitcoin accepted here" logos (like I see Salsacz doing a few posts back!). We should be working RELENTLESSLY on increasing TPS as a demo to the world. IF we build 1000 TPS, they will come.
Rickyjames, normally your posts are meaningful, but lately they have been making less and less sense.
I assume that you know that the people working on TF, pruning, etc. are NOT the people working on AT, gateways, etc.
Trust me, if everyone here knew how TF worked, we would be working on it right now.
PS: Secret "Twitter" and Secret Internet have been discussed since the beginning of NXT, this is not a new development.