If an asset that rewards people based on something related to NXT is a threat to NXT, then we need to kill AE.
Once AE is active, nothing stops anybody from issuing an asset that is tied to NXT things, eg. number of aliases, number of tx, number of nodes, amount of bandwidth, amount of time connected, etc., etc.
What if some NXT attacker did this and put in bids for 100 NXT for each of these coins? that would be a total disaster wouldnt it? Everybody just getting all this free NXT, just for using NXT. Imagine, just automatically getting 1000 NXT per day. The horror. Where exactly does the NXT that is paid for these coins come from?
Can somebody explain to me how getting coins (that might or might not have any value) for using NXT or supporting NXT harms NXT? To my mind it just seems like a faucet. Since when did faucets hurt the thing being fauceted?
Asset exchange is a great idea. Trading anything attached to a colored coin is a wonderful new capability. My concern about asset exchange is that altho NXT HAS to be used as the transaction fee AND the colored coin, it DOES NOT HAVE TO BE THE ASSET ITSELF that is being traded. So it is entirely possible that a SMALL AMOUNT of NXT will be used in trading literally MILLIONS of Bitcoins and DOGE back and forth, and these will be attached to 0.1 NXT colored coins shuffled around by 0.1 NXT transaction fees. I am afraid a guy can go to Cryptsy to buy ONLY 100 or 1000 NXT and trade for YEARS shuffling around MILLIONS of Bitcoin and Doge.
In one sentence: The introduction and use of NXT AE does not necessarily mean the creation of significant buying pressure and upward prices on NXT currency itself.
Nor does it mean any downward pressure either!
What NXT AE allows is for creative people to come up with totally new and unexpected ideas and build that on top of NXT. What creates the value of BTC, of DOGE, of any crypto? Do you really think that if millions and millions of dollars are traded via NXT AE that there wont be a spillover effect?
With ripple, the correlation was very clear. The more stuff trading inside ripple, the more the XRP was worth.
If a shopping center has a lot of customers, the land it is built on will be worth more than if it didnt have many customers, even though nobody in the shopping center is actually trading the land it is built on.
P.S. what do you think of bitcoin bridge? Doesnt that solve the crypto 1.0 functionality issue?