I say again, WE ARE IGNORING THE CRYPTOCOIN 1.0 FOUNDATION OF NXT AND THIS IS A MISTAKE. We should be systematically shaking the trees for vendors who will put NXT logos beside their "Bitcoin accepted here" logos (like I see Salsacz doing a few posts back!). We should be working RELENTLESSLY on increasing TPS as a demo to the world. IF we build 1000 TPS, they will come.
Rickyjames, normally your posts are meaningful, but lately they have been making less and less sense.
I assume that you know that the people working on TF, pruning, etc. are NOT the people working on AT, gateways, etc.
Trust me, if everyone here knew how TF worked, we would be working on it right now.
PS: Secret "Twitter" and Secret Internet have been discussed since the beginning of NXT, this is not a new development.
Sorry about making less and less sense, these are crazy times.
I don't believe anybody is working on TF right now, and certainly not blockchain pruning. I know Jean-Luc isn't. CfB is wrapping up and going to move on to whatever he thinks is more important to work on than NXT. Everybody says BCNext/Ukigo has totally left the project, so HE isn't working on it. THere's NOBODY ELSE doing core dev work, which is why HIRING / RECRUITING MORE OUTSIDE JAVA PROGRAMMERS (rather than dangling bounties in front of insiders) is the most important thing to do with the techdev fund.
We were going to release open source code on April 4 in honor of that date in the novel 1984, but we've released open source a month early so THAT's not a big date anymore. NCNext was going to release the "3rd part of the plan that explains TF" on the same date, but with him gone and open source out, I don't know what the hell we're waiting on or even if that will be released at all or if it will make any sense / difference if we do get to read it. I can go back to numerous posts by CfB from less than 60 days ago saying April would be when TF was turned on and NXT would hit 1000 TPS and blow everybody out of the water. Somewhere along the way that got dropped and I can't seem to get anybody interested in discussing why or how to get it back on track. The time warp synchronization of many blocks to speed up transaction time is not magic, it's theoretically possible, but hard, requiring a lot of thought and discussion and understanding of network dynamics much more so than code. TF is the main distinct advantage that NXT possibly could have over Bitcoin, yet nobody seems interested in it.
These days we're all about giving away nodecoins and pool mining and NXTopia multi-user games and trading boobies while dropping the NXT user fees required to trade them. My statement that we are ignoring the cryptocoin 1.0 fundamentals of NXT to our detriment stands, and I feel like the Ancient Mariner stopping the Wedding Guest to say crazy things over and over again (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Rime_of_the_Ancient_Mariner ). We ask people to support NXT but they (1) have a devil of a time logging into it (which admittedly Wesley's client is addressing), (2) stupidly lose it when they don't understand how important a 35 char passphrase is and scare off 2100 other potential new users with their tweets (3) get frustrated when they finally realize that PoS means they can't accumulate significant amounts of it for free, and (4) if they overcome all of the preceeding, can't spend or use NXT on anything in the Real World, as they increasingly can with Bitcoin. So naturally we are moving right on to step (5) which is the whales are dumping it (and I've gotten private PMs from some of them saying nobody acting on what I'm saying as being one of their main reasons why) and nobody from the outside is left to pick up the slack and buy it at a rate that keeps the price up.
Despite all this I do not regret my decision to invest big in NXT and I am HODLing. Probably all the way down, just like the Ancient Mariner in the whirlpool. I am relatively new to cryptos and after much research I am still convinced that NXT is a technically superior product to Bitcoin in many ways and will ultimately take on many of its roles. We have talented people doing incredible work. We have flaws we are willing to acknowledge and work on and fix. Most of all we have a coherent community - but it is smaller and more fragile than you may think. We only had 250 people vote on our committees. We had a recent study that did a very good K analysis on our account structure and conclude we've only got 800-1000 true users holding what would be considered significant and usable amounts of NXT.
This is all great, even FANTASTIC, for a cryptocurrency that is only four months old. But we must not forget Gordon Gekko's famous words from "Wall Street" - You done good, but you gotta keep doing good. What we have accomplished in four months teeters in the balance over what we will do in month five. Or month six. Or seven.
What is our next big accomplishment we are going to announce to trumpets and fanfare? Cryprocurrency 2.0 Asset Exchange? OK. Forget even arguing about the relative number of people who want to trade OTHER coins among themselves while speculating instead of trade NXT coins for goods while shopping. Somebody tell me how the intro of NXT AE will cause a sustained upward trend in our coin price and market cap. The way we've got it structured, a guy who buys 10 NXT from Cryptsy can get as much use from the NXT AE as a guy that buys 100K NXT, since we've dropped the price per transaction to 0.01 NXT and are pushing nodecoins and not NXT itself as the main draw to trade on the AE anyway? AE DOES NOT GIVE ANYBODY ANY REASON TO BUY A LARGE STAKE IN OUR PROOF OF STAKE CURRENCY WHEN THEY CAN UTILIZE ITS PRIMARY AE FEATURE WHILE OWNING VERY LITTLE STAKE.
So...what's next after AE?
If somebody can come up with a better plan that a return to actually focusing upon and implementing TF / time warp / block speedup / transaction capacity increase, let's hear it. Those were the things that were exciting about NXT in the beginning, the things we talked about much more than Secret Twitter and Secret Internet on parallel blockchains, the thing that represents new tech we have to offer over Bitcoin, that offes a huge improvement by PoS over energy-wasteful, slow, inefficient PoW.
Change of topic. If NXT is serious about becoming bigger than Bitcoin, we need NXT whales that are cashing out to use their cold hard cash to set up a legally incorporated NXT-fiat exchange in the United States by getting money service and money transfer licenses in all 50 States - STARTING NOW. This will take time and cash and plenty of both. START NOW. Etherium started down this path and blinked and are now moving to set up shop in Switzerland to avoid this hassle. This leaves NXT an opportunity - START NOW. This is the only way to get as big as Bitcoin, which is vulnerable and reeling from the arrest of Charlie Sherm and his failure to do this right (
http://time.com/1892/bitinstant-ceo-charlie-shrem-arrested-for-alleged-money-laundering/ ) Anon's proposed NXT-silver exchange is an interesting experiment but it is an attempt to get around having to play the big boy game for all the chips on the table with cold hard raw cash. IF NXT is the future of Crypto, we have to step up to the plate. Or the soccer net. Or whatever the right sports metaphor is.
Most of all, we need people to come up with a way to have a guy with a cellphone to buy a candy bar with an app that is backed by NXT. And lots and lots and LOTS of websites and storefronts that say "NXT accepted here".
If all of this, or at least some of this, doesn't make sense, well, I don't know what else to say.