Asset Exchange Enhancement Proposal even more feedback, some have suggested that perhaps relying on an external website is not good (although it *should* be secure, perhaps someone can find a way to abuse this?)
With this in mind, I added slides 5-7 to show how this could be done without external URLs, only using Aliases. NXT already provides all the tools needed for this to work, clients just have to be able to interpret it. If people think this is a good idea, hopefully we can have a discussion going on the standard formatting.
IMO, this is important because it removes the ability of squatters to hold important asset names at ransom from the community.
Hey there. Just wanted you to know I liked your platform and voted for you. Sorry you didn't get in.
Thanks for the kind words. I did not campaign when I saw the list of people on the infrastructure committee were all much more talented than me. I know some of them personally, and I am sure they will do a great job to ensure that NXT will have proper funding for any infrastructure related projects.
With regards to the recent discussions, I think that everyone should probably take a step back and not get too emotional. I volunteer my time because I believe that NXT represents the future of cryptocurrency, not as a coin, but as a cryptoplatform. I don't expect to get paid (but a big thank you to the anonymous donators!) because what I do will only help increase the value of my stake. Also a hint to all those who feel that "nothing" is going on and NXT is "stagnating": there is actually a lot going on, but it gets forgotten easily within 10 pages of this mega-thread. James is right, even if you cannot program, there are tons of other projects to be involved in - and not all of them "community" oriented. There are business projects like NMAC or DGEX that released shares recently. This is pretty exciting, and I only expect that as time goes on, more and more companies, founded by members of this community, will pop up because the AE provides an extremely low barrier of entry.
So if you have a good idea, try to find a good group of like-minded people, and execute it. If you're still looking for ideas, volunteering to help out with community projects is really a good way to start. Try to break the AE on the testnet, and post your results. You can even think of new ways to contribute that no one else has. I sometimes have crazy ideas myself, but they are all in the name of improving NXT